April 9- Daily Activities

Hi Everyone!

Posting early since I will be decorating my car early in the morning for the parade, hope to see some of you out there tomorrow.

Today we are going to focus on idea generation, writing and creative thinking. Today I would like you to…

This term we will be focusing on personal writing. This will include letter writing, journaling, making connections and some story writing. Yes! Comic strip stories too like promised!

  1. Read my letter and discuss with your families some of the activities and family time you have had over the last few weeks together. Make a brain storm web with your family and write down on the outside of the web a list of things you’ve done or accomplished together. This will help you generate ideas prior to writing, similar to what we discuss as a class prior to beginning to write.

2. Write a letter to back to me.

After discussing with your families and making a brainstorm web with ideas write a letter to Ms. Toor. Here are some ideas to add in your letter…

  • Start your letter with Dear Ms. Toor
  • Write sentences with a capital letter at the beginning (names have capital letters) punctuation at the end of your sentence, spaces in between words and full ideas.
  • Answer some questions I asked in my letter
  • Ask Ms. Toor a question or two
  • Sign your name

Attached is a picture of my letter to all of you. I will write a comment back (in letter form) after reading a picture of your letter in Fresh grade. Feel free to use the templates below or your own paper.

Remember to use our tools for spelling. Slowly sound out words you are unsure about, write down the letter sounds you hear. Try first before you ask for help or look up the word in a dictionary.

















3. “Think outside the box Thursday”

This is going to be a regular activity because it sparks creative thinking. Take a look at the picture below. Print or copy down what you see on your own paper. Finish the picture, be creative and colourful. It is not a donut. What did you create? Remember everyone’s will look different and that is the exciting part. This is what I created! Post what you created on Fresh Grade.







4. Optional: Suncrest Staff Parade!

Enjoy the long weekend! Spend quality time with family. Next activities will be posted Tuesday April 14.

Ms. Toor

Suncrest Staff Parade

Tomorrow Thursday April 9 at 10am Suncrest Staff are going to be doing a social distancing driving parade in the Suncrest Neighbourhood!   We are going to hit the road at 10 am starting at the school and following the map / directions provided. If you are available situate yourself somewhere on the route and look for the white Mazda compact SUV waving to you with signs all over the car saying how much I miss you Division 11!  Ms. Toor 2.0 (my sister Michelle will hopefully join me too. . . hoping she will drive my car so I can wave to all of you).

Below is the route we will be driving through. Please make sure you are with an adult and practicing social distancing.

We will head East on Rumble,
South down McKay,
West on Boxer and through the alley way to Patterson turning South,
West on Marine Drive to Joffre,
North on Joffre across Rumble and up to Dubois St.,
East on Dubois to Mandy Avenue,
North on Mandy Avenue to Imperial,
East on Imperial to Mckay,
South on McKay to Irmin,
West on Irmin to Roseberry,
South on Roseberry to Rumble,
West on Rumble back to the School

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow saying hello and waving to you from the car!

Ms. Toor

April 8 Activities

Good Morning Division 11

The sun is shining! Lets have a great day!

I am so proud of all of your hard work in the last few days with the activities! Your work is amazing and I miss all of you more and more each day.

Today we are going to on Social Emotional Learning, Reading, writing, generating ideas and mathematics. Today I would like you to…

  1. Read “I am Peace” or re-read it
  • You have the choice either to read it on Epic! under assigned reading or to listen to the read aloud (click read aloud for link).
  1. After reading the story please create a list of things that help you stay mindful during this time at home. Have a discussion with your family before creating the list and hear about some things that they do. This can include something you do to calm your body down, stay grounded or to give yourself some peace and space similar to what we sometimes need in the classroom. Your list can be shown in any way you like. If you use drawings to share your learning please label them as we do in the classroom using phonetic spelling (sounding out your words). I created mine using an idea map, take a look below.

Ms. Toor’s I am peace list

Post your mindfulness list on FreshGrade.

3. Go on a 2D Shape hunt

This term we will start with Geometry in Math. Today we are going to focus on the 2D shapes (circle, square, rectangle and triangle. The first activity of the unit is to look around you house, back yard and neighbourhood and spot those shapes in your environment. Please document what kind of things you found those shapes in using the template below or creating your own template to use (the choice is up to you). For example the wheels of a car would go under circle or a button on your shirt. If you draw the object please label them along with taking some pictures during your hunt.

Shape Template

Please post a picture your finished shape hunt and pictures form the activity on FreshGrade.

Have an amazing day!

Ms. Toor