
The Giving Tree

Hello all:

Today will be the last day of activities for ELL because we are starting our end of year testing. You will be contacted by an ELL teacher over the next few weeks who will test you to determine your ELL level for the next school year.

Since we have been talking about plants for the last few weeks, I thought I would share this beautiful book with you called, “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein. This is one of my favourite books of all time! This book is about a tree that is incredibly kind.

Answer these questions:

1) Why do you think the story is called the Giving Tree?
2) What sort of things was the Giving Tree giving to the boy?
3) What words would you use to describe the Giving Tree?
4) What are some ways that you can be kind?
If you would like to share your answers, please leave me a comment.
Thank you so much for joining me over the last few weeks. I’ve enjoyed learning with you!

ELL Teacher at Clinton Elementary School

One Comment

  • Simon De Vera Boy

    1. The tree gives everything to the boy.
    2. The tree gave it fruits, branches and trunk for the boy to use.
    3. The giving tree is so kind.
    4. Be like the tree, share and help those in need and be happy.

    Thanks Ms Ta for sharing this story.


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