How does your family preserve food? – Stoney Creek Place-Based Learning

How does your family preserve food?

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Almost all students at Stoney Creek have tasted these food items as part of our lessons in seasonal rounds. Many students feel proud sharing their knowledge about their family food traditions.

4 thoughts on “How does your family preserve food?”

  1. Shawn Wretham says:

    Breana & Connor have been a part of many different ways of preserving food.
    “Dehydrator” -Connor
    “Two other ways we preserve food are Canning and Freezing” -Breana

  2. taylorgibbsl says:

    Thanks so much for sharing a comment. I wonder what your favorite dehydrated food is, Conner?

  3. Trinity Bissett says:

    We jar fish (or I jar fish and they eat it ….lol.)

    1. taylorgibbsl says:

      You are great provider! Do you add any spices to your canned fish?

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