Friday Outdoor Education – Stoney Creek Place-Based Learning

Friday Outdoor Education

Outdoor Connections to Place this year

September – Personalized Acknowledgement of the Coast Salish Territory

Students are developing an understanding of how to introduce themselves, in relation to their ancestors, when they acknowledge the land.  They may be able to make a personal connection to the land in terms of what they value where they live, learn, and play. They appreciate an area called the Grotto because it provides a wonderful place to make forts, fairy houses, art, and also a place to play games.

October — Salmon and Water

Students are developing an understanding of the Water system that supports this endangered species: Stoney Creek, Brunette River, Fraser River and the Pacific Ocean. Brandi Price shared Salmon stories as the students walked along the creek. Younger students are able to act out the various stages in the life cycle of salmon.

November — Outdoor Art

Students are developing an understanding of how to find use loose parts in nature to create art on the forest floor. Older students watched demonstrations of how to make wreaths out of English Ivy. These wreaths were used in our Remembrance Day Ceremony.

December — Trees as medicine

Students are developing an understanding of the importance of trees as medicine. Many students helped to collect fresh cottonwood buds for next year’s balm of Gilead. Each was gifted a small container of balm of gilead from last years collections. Students are developing an understanding of seasonal rounds. Students are taught to use these medicines with parental consent.

January– Tree Identification

Students are developing an understanding of the main trees categories in our local forest — coniferous and deciduous. In particular they are guided along a walk to learn about the sitka spruce as a coniferous tree that is significant to Coast Salish artisans who make rain hats from the roots of this coniferous tree. Like wise, the big leaf maple tree in the deciduous category has been used for making paddles in this region.

February — Garden Design

Students are developing their design skills as they create their own idea for the school’s Outdoor Classroom. Older students are developing their speaking and writing skills to take a stand for a species in the local environment.

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