Week 20: February 22nd-26th

Dear Families,

Last week we explored families in detail. We learned about families and explored how families are the same and different. This week, we continue our exploration of families, and extend our learning into exploring various communities. We will be framing many of our discussions around the theme of love and KINDNESS. In honour of Black History Month and Pink Shirt Day, we will deepen our understanding of family and community, by looking at stories and topics about influential leaders (namely Dr. Martin Luther King), the story behind Pink Shirt Day. We will celebrate identity with a Rainbow Day! If you have any questions or concerns about the exploration of these topics or ideas, please do not hesitate to reach out via email for clarification. All topics will be explored within the Big Ideas of the BC Curriculum, and discussed in an age appropriate manner.

Please see the framework below for the Big Idea: Positive Personal & Cultural Identity


Understanding relationships and cultural contexts

Students understand that their relationships and cultural contexts help to shape who they are. This includes culture in its broadest sense, including how one identifies in terms of ethnicity, nationality, language(s), abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, geographic region, and religious or spiritual beliefs. Students explore who they are in terms of their relationship to others and their relationship to the world (people and place) around them.

Recognizing personal values and choices

Students define who they are by what they value. They understand how what they value has been influenced by their life experiences. They identify how their values help to shape their choices, in all contexts of their lives.

Identifying personal strengths and abilities

Students acknowledge their strengths and abilities, and they intentionally consider these as assets, helping them in all aspects of their lives. Students understand that they are unique and are a part of larger, and often multiple, communities. They explain how they are using their strengths and abilities in their families, their relationships, and their communities.


We have 2 spirit days next week!

– On Wednesday February 24th, – Please wear pink in honour of Pink Shirt Day! Purple, red and orange are also acceptable if you do not have pink!

– On Thursday February 25th, please wear rainbow colours! Have fun with this! You are welcome to wear feathers, a fun hat or sunglasses, a costume of some kind- anything bright and fun, silly and cheerful to celebrate rainbow day!

* Friday February 26th is Professional Development Day for teachers. There is NO SCHOOL for students!

Here is a link to our weekly plan for February 22nd-25th.

2 thoughts on “Week 20: February 22nd-26th

  1. I dont see the Kindness/friendship Community Collection in the emails in Epic. Am I supposed to see the collection there? The last collection I see are for valentine.

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