Week 1: September 28th – October 2

Hello everyone,

I am very much looking forward to our first week of learning together.  Thank you for your patience and understanding as we begin our school year!

Watch this video of me explaining our Weekly schedule and daily rhythm.

–> Here is Ms. Shuster’s Week Plan – Sept 28-Oct 2 Please take a look at the activities I have prepared.  If you have any questions please let me know.

–> Here is a sample of a shape of the day/daily rhythm that can help you organize your day.  This is just a suggestion and I hope you can use it to create something that works for your family.

Writing Template

Orange Shirt Day Website

Orange Shirt Day Printable

Terry Fox Resources

Terry Fox Song

We will be using an online library called EPIC books!  You can use this on computers, tablets or smartphones.  Just download Epic from the App Store or log in to www.getepic.com.  I’ve added each child’s name into our class. Just enter Epic using our class code:   eke9282.  When your child enters their page- just make sure to click “Read to Me” menu at the top.


Please collect some basic school supplies for your child including:

  • pencil, eraser, ruler
  • a notebook for writing (similar to the picture)Hilroy Exercise Book, 1/2 Interlined 1/2 Plain, 9-1/8" x 7-1/8", 72 Pages | www.staples.ca
  • a blank drawing book (for doodles, directed drawings)
  • crayons, pencil crayons, felts
  • scissors (child sized) and gluestick

Printables for the week:

I have given activities on our weekly plan that involve outdoor learning.  If this is not possible for your child, please use the A-Z fitness printable below to help build in some daily physical activities into your routine.  You will see that each letter has a different exercise, so you could spell your name.  For example: My name would spell the following exercises… L = pretend to jump rope and count to 20, I= balance on your left foot for a count of 10, N=pick up a ball without your hands, D=run to the nearest door and run back, S=bend down and touch your toes 20 times.  Please note: please ensure your child is doing these activities while supervised and with enough space.  If the suggested exercise is unsafe in your home then please find a different activity.


6 thoughts on “Week 1: September 28th – October 2

  1. This blog is great and super helpful! It looks like it’s going to be an exciting and extraordinary school year.
    I tried accessing the “writing template” link on the Week Plan and it does seem to work. Could you please post the “writing template” document on this blog page instead? Thank you!

    1. Thanks for the feedback and I’m sorry the link didn’t work.
      I added it to the post with the other links for the week too!

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