Where to go when you need to know

Author: rickerj (Page 2 of 3)

Hello families!

Hi Families,

I hope you are all well and staying safe. It is so hard to believe that it is already the end of May. I am excited to have many of you return to the classroom next week. Here are a few reminders:

  1. Supplies: Your child will need to bring a backpack with a large, labelled Ziploc baggie with the basic school supplies required such as pencils, erasers, crayons/pencil crayons/markers, scissors, glue, thick black sharpie, small personal pencil sharpener and ruler. (You are welcome to send anything else you feel would be useful). We will not have any access to “shared” materials in the classroom, so please make sure to bring whatever you think you will need to be successful. We will not have access to the coatroom, or the ability to store supplies in the desks, so please make sure your child brings everything home with them at the end of the day. Students can bring their own devices and will have access to the network (fingers crossed).
  2. Our school library will be closed, so we will not be able to do any book exchanges. Please send a few books or a variety of reading materials with your child so that they have something to read (especially if we head outside!).
  3. Please supply a water bottle (or two) as there will be no access to the refillable water fountains. Your child will need a recess snack and lunch as well, of course. We are asking students to bring a litter less lunch if possible please.
  4. As we will be spending much time outdoors, please make sure your child comes to school wearing sunscreen and brings a hat to wear. You may choose to send sunscreen with your child if you feel it will be necessary to reapply throughout the day. Your child will be responsible for this.
  5. I will continue to provide weekly menus on the blog for all students to continue working on. Please be aware that if your child is returning to school, some of the activities we will be doing in class will be from the menu.

I am really looking forward to spending time with your child and reconnecting with them during in-class instruction. It goes without saying that I will do my best to make sure your child feels safe, comfortable and calm during this transition back to school.

In preparation for the return to classes, I need to cancel tomorrow’s ZOOM ROOM meeting. I will be going into the school to get our classroom ready for Tuesday’s return.

Be safe everyone,

Mr. Ricker

Tessellation Time


What is a tessellation?

A tiling or tessellation of a flat surface is the covering of a plane using one or more geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps. In mathematics, tessellations can be generalized to higher dimensions and a variety of geometries. A periodic tiling has a repeating pattern.


Check out this link:



Now try it out! You can use a sharpie to outline your pattern and don’t forget to create a cool pattern, shape or animal inside your tiles. Try using different colours on alternate tiles (contrasting or complimentary colours). Good luck!

Tessellation Handout.jpg


The Virtual Classroom – Week 8

Hi citizens of Division 3! Welcome to Week 8.

I hope you all had a good weekend, and I hope you were able to enjoy some of the great weather this weekend.

Here are some suggested activities for you to work on this week. I’ve made a list of 12 (some Literacy, some Numeracy and some Art / Wellness). Try to do 3 a day.  You can email me at jayson.ricker@burnabyschools.ca or at rickerjay24@gmail.com  with your progress. Some of you like to email me daily, while others are emailing at the end of the week. Either strategy works for me.  I have enabled the comment section as well, but all comments will need to be approved before they are posted.

Remember, please don’t print the grid. Just open a word document or a google doc and send them off. I’m really enjoying all the pictures and artwork you are submitting to me. I am very jealous of some of your neighbourhood walks. Please keep going.

This week, I am including another link to our current events program. You can read the text online and respond via email or google docs. This week’s article is about how the USA is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Current Events -USA

Good news everyone… I found Hatchet as a PDF file online! Now we can see what happens to Brian. I am including the next of the 3 chunks (Chapters 13 to 15) in this week’s grid. I am also including some activities to complete after you have read the chapters. 

Hatchet Chapters 13 to 15 – book

Hatchet Chapters 13 to 15

I’d like to try a KAHOOT again this week. In order to play, we would need to be online at the same time on the same day. I was thinking Friday the 29nd at 10:00. Please add a comment if you can play. I’ll send out a ZOOM ROOM link prior to the start of the game.

Do what you can. Remember we are all trying our best. Mistakes are how we learn. I’m still learning too. Let’s remember to keep a Growth Mindset! Keep washing your hands – it’s working!

Be safe everyone.

The Virtual Classroom – week 8

Hatchet Meetings

Hi Families,

I hope you are all well and staying safe.

I would meet in small groups starting tomorrow for the students and I to discuss Hatchet. I’d like to start the meetings after our ZOOM ROOM meeting tomorrow at 10:00.

I’d like to have 6 students per meeting, and meetings will only be 30 minutes long starting at 11:15. The focus of our meeting will be on trying to make some deep connections with the book and trying to generate some deep or open-ended questions about what is happening with Brian.

If you can participate, please respond to my email with the block of time that works best for you. The ZOOM meeting details will be sent out prior to each meeting.


Block 1: 11:15

Block 2: 12:00

Block 3: 12:45

Block 4: 1:30

Block 5: 2:15


Please let me know which block works best for you.


Thank you,

Mr. R.

The Virtual Classroom – Week 7

Hi citizens of Division 3! Welcome to Week 7.

I hope you all had a restful long weekend, and I Hope you were able to enjoy some of the great weather this weekend.

Here are some suggested activities for you to work on this week. I’ve made a list of 12 (some Literacy, some Numeracy and some Art / Wellness). Try to do 3 a day.  You can email me at jayson.ricker@burnabyschools.ca or at rickerjay24@gmail.com  with your progress. Some of you like to email me daily, while others are emailing at the end of the week. Either strategy works for me.  I have enabled the comment section as well, but all comments will need to be approved before they are posted.

Remember,  please don’t print the grid. Just open a word document or a google doc and send them off. I’m really enjoying all of the pictures and artwork you are submitting to me. I am very jealous of some of your neighbourhood walks. Please keep going.

This week, I am including another link to our current events program. You can read the text online, and respond via email or google docs. This week’s article is about The Olympics.  Current Events – Olympics Postponed

With Hatchet, I’d like to “meet” in small groups this week on ZOOM to discuss what’s happening with Brian in Hatchet. I’d like to meet on Thursday of this week, but I will send out more information Wednesday. We can meet in small groups (5 to 6). The focus of our meetings will be on making some meaningful connections (text to text, text to self, or text to the world). 

Hatchet Chapters 10 to 12 – Book

Hatchet Chapters 10 to 12


I’d like to try a KAHOOT again this week. In order to play, we would need to be online at the same time on the same day. I was thinking Friday the 22nd at 10:00. Please add a comment if you are able to play. I’ll send out a ZOOM ROOM link prior to the start of the game.

Do what you can. Remember we are all trying our best. Mistakes are how we learn. I’m still learning too. Let’s remember to keep a Growth Mindset! Keep washing your hands – it’s working!

Be safe everyone.

The Virtual Classroom – week 7


The Virtual Classroom – Week 6

Hi everyone! Welcome to Week 6.

I am so glad that I was able to see many of you in person on Friday.  I hope you were able to enjoy some of the great weather this weekend, and I hope you all gave your Moms a huge hug for Mother’s Day.

Here are some suggested activities for you to work on this week. I’ve made a list of 14 (some Literacy, some Numeracy and some Art / Wellness). Try to do 3 a day.  You can email me at jayson.ricker@burnabyschools.ca or at rickerjay24@gmail.com  with your progress. Some of you like to email me daily, while others are emailing at the end of the week. Either strategy works for me.  I have enabled the comment section as well, but all comments will need to be approved before they are posted.

Remember,  please don’t print the grid. Just open a word document or a google doc and send them off. I’m really enjoying all of the pictures and artwork you are submitting to me. I am very jealous of some of your neighbourhood walks. Please keep going.

This week, I am including another link to our current events program. You can read the text online, and respond via email or google docs. This week’s article is about the global response to the COVID – 19 pandemic.    COVID details

The ADST projects are looking great so far. I am very impressed with your creative designs. I’d like to see your completed “vehicle” by May 15th.

Good news everyone… I found Hatchet as a PDF file online! Now we can see what happens to Brian. We have read the first 9 chapters together in class. I have broken down the remaining chapters into 3 chunks. I am including the first of the 3 chunks (Chapters 10 to 12) in this week’s grid. I am also including some activities to complete after you have read the chapters. 

Hatchet Chapters 10 to 12 – Book

Hatchet Chapters 10 to 12


I’d like to try a KAHOOT again this week. In order to play, we would need to be online at the same time on the same day. I was thinking Thursday the 30th at 10:00. Please add a comment if you are able to play. I’ll send out a ZOOM ROOM link prior to the start of the game.

Do what you can. Remember we are all trying our best. Mistakes are how we learn. I’m still learning too. Let’s remember to keep a Growth Mindset! Keep washing your hands – it’s working!

Be safe everyone.

The Virtual Classroom – week 6


The Virtual Classroom – Week 5

Hi everyone! Welcome to Week 5. For all of you Star Wars fans…. May the Fourth be with you.

Funny Star Wars Memes - Perfect For May the Fourth | Star wars ...


Here are some suggested activities for you to work on this week. I’ve made a list of 15 (some Literacy, some Numeracy and some D.P.A.). Try to do 3 a day.  PACE YOURSELF! You can email me at jayson.ricker@burnabyschools.ca or at rickerjay24@gmail.com  with your progress. Some of you like to email me daily, while others are emailing at the end of the week. Either strategy works for me.  I have enabled the comment section as well, but all comments will need to be approved before they are posted.

Remember,  please don’t print the grid. Just open a word document or a google doc and send them off. I’m really enjoying all of the pictures and artwork you are submitting to me. I am very jealous of some of your neighbourhood walks. Please keep going. My family tries to go for 2 walks a day. 

This week, I am including another link to our current events program. You can read the text online, and respond via email or google docs. This week’s article is about the economy and the COVID-19 pandemic.  COVID and the economy

This week, I am also including an ADST Challenge. I found this on the Instructables website and I thought it was pretty cool. This is an extension opportunity, and I’d like to see your creations by the 15th. I had to build something like this for a Science challenge when I was in Grade 10. Good luck.

ADST Challenge

Instructables ADST Challenge

I’d like to try a KAHOOT again this week. In order to play, we would need to be online at the same time on the same day. I was thinking Thursday the 7th at 10:00. Please add a comment if you are able to play. I’ll send out a ZOOM ROOM link prior to the start of the game.

I really miss working with all of you. Our classroom was such an energetic environment for learning. Hopefully this will all be over soon and Division 3 can be reunited. Let’s keep a growth mindset and stay positive. 

Be safe everyone.

The Virtual Classroom – week 5


The Virtual Classroom – Week 4

Hi everyone! Welcome to Week 4.

Here are some suggested activities for you to work on this week. I’ve made a list of 15 (some Literacy, some Numeracy and some D.P.A.). Try to do 3 a day.  You can email me at jayson.ricker@burnabyschools.ca or at rickerjay24@gmail.com  with your progress. Some of you like to email me daily, while others are emailing at the end of the week. Either strategy works for me.  I have enabled the comment section as well, but all comments will need to be approved before they are posted.

Remember,  please don’t print the grid. Just open a word document or a google doc and send them off. I’m really enjoying all of the pictures and artwork you are submitting to me. I am very jealous of some of your neighbourhood walks. Please keep going.

This week, I am including another link to our current events program. You can read the text online, and respond via email or google docs. This week’s article is about the Canadian contribution to solving the COVID-19 pandemic.    Current Events – Week 4

I’d like to try a KAHOOT again this week. In order to play, we would need to be online at the same time on the same day. I was thinking Thursday the 30th at 10:00. Please add a comment if you are able to play. I’ll send out a ZOOM ROOM link prior to the start of the game.

Week three was another successful learning experiment thanks to you. Remember we are all trying our best. Mistakes are how we learn. I’m still learning too. Let’s remember to keep a Growth Mindset! Keep washing your hands – it’s working!

Be safe everyone.


The Virtual Classroom – week 4

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