Spirit Day: Zoom Day

Hello Division 13 Families,


This Friday November 18 we will be having another spirit day. This time the theme day is “Zoom Meeting” which means business/profession attire on the top and Pyjamas or comfies on the bottom. House points for sports day will be given to students who participate. Please let me know if you have any questions!

I wanted to share a quick update on our learning as well. At this point we have learned 13 letters in the alphabet together as a class. We use the order according to Jolly Phonics, so we have learned group 1  (S A T I P N) and group 2 (C K E H R M D).

It is really helpful at this point in their learning to reinforce this understanding of identifying the letter name and the sound of these letters that we have learned. If you have opportunities at home to play with these letters and practice the sounds that would be really helpful. The more practice the better! A great way to practice would be playing games like I spy, Bingo or banana grams or even writing the letters on small pieces of paper and rearranging to sound out words. If you would like some more concrete examples I would be happy to show you! 🙂

We have such a kind and sweet group of students in our classroom this year. Thank you all for your continued kindness and communication throughout the school year so far!


With Kindness,

Ms. Guagneli

Poppy Garden

Hello Division 13 Families,

This year the primary classes will be planting poppies for Remembrance day. We are looking for some parent volunteers to help us dig out and prepare the garden bed before Thursday. If you or any other Suncrest parents would like to help us out with this please let Ms. Silva know. Her email is denise.silva@burnabyschools.ca.


Have a wonderful weekend!

MS. Guagneli

Library and Pumpkin Reminders

Hello Division 13 Families,


It was so nice to see so many of you at math games night yesterday, I hope you had a wonderful time!

Tomorrow is our Pumpkin Patch, we will be picking pumpkins 11:15 on the big field if you wanted to take photos or stop by. Please send your child with a sturdy reusable bag for their pumpkin tomorrow. If you have your child’s name or family name on the bag that is extra helpful as well.

Library is every Wednesday, please return books by either Tuesday or Wednesday.


With Kindness,

Ms. Guagneli

Updates and Reminders

Hello Division 13 Families,

I have so enjoyed getting to know everyone during the last few weeks! We are beginning to learn the routines and build our classroom community.


Our library day will be on Thursday’s this year. We will be exchanging books every other week for now. Please try to return books whenever you are finished with them. This gives our teacher librarian time to check the books in and have things prepared for us on our library day.

Welcome Conversations and Early Dismissal

Tuesday September 27 and Wednesday September 28 will be early dismissal at 2pm. On Tuesday I will have my door open until about 5pm as an open house if you would like to pop in to say hi or check out the classroom.

Family Reading

Our first family reading will be on Monday. You are welcome to stay and read for the first 15 minutes!

Family Photos and Forms

If you have a family photo at home we would love to add it to our family tree. I will return the photos to you at the end of the school year. Students love to look at the photos when they are missing home and share the photos with their friends.

There are quite a few forms that have been sent home, the school supplies, veggies, and student release forms. The deadline for school supplies has been extended, so if you have not paid online already please do so as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.


With Kindness,

Ms. Guagneli


Report Card Envelope

Hello Division 13 Families,

Thank you to everyone for helping our trip to the waterpark run smoothly. Students were very efficient in changing, putting their belongings away, and following the group plan! Our weather is looking much warmer for Friday.

If you have not done so already, please return your child’s report card envelope as soon as possible so that I can put the new one inside to send home.

Today is National Indigenous Peoples Day we talked about acknowledging the land we live on and what our family story is (how we came to live where we live now). We also discussed the importance of water and why we are grateful for water. We read Nibi’s Water Song and learned that there are First Nations communities in Canada that do not have access to clean drinking water. In our discussion we recognized that we want to be an ally and the most important thing we can do to help right now, is to learn and share what we have learned with others.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

Suncrest Water Park Tuesday and Friday

Hi Division 13 Families,

Sorry for the short notice, if the weather is warm enough our class will be going to the Suncrest Waterpark next to our school on Tuesday, June 21 from 1:00pm – 3:00pm and Friday, June 24 from 11:00am – 12:00pm. We will be joined by Ms. Nanson and Ms. Silva/Sharma’s class tomorrow and Ms. Tam’s class on Friday. To avoid congestion in the bathrooms, it would be helpful if students came to school wearing their swimsuits under their clothes. Please ensure your child comes to school with the following items listed below on these days. Families are welcome to join us during these times!

Please pack:

  • a water bottle
  • sunscreen
  • a hat
  • a bathing suit or change of clothes
  • a towel
  • water shoes/ sandals that can get wet
  • a bag to carry their things in

With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

Spirit Week and Sports Day!

Dear Division 13 Families,

This week will be a very busy one as it is Spirit Week leading up to Sports Day on Friday! Students should wear the following colours on the following days to earn points for their house team:

Monday June 13th will be Red Day

Tuesday June 14th will be Green Day

Wednesday June 15th will be Yellow Day

Thursday June 16th will be Blue Day

Friday June 17th is SPORTS DAY (weather permitting)  students should wear their house Team Element colour. (FireWaterEarthAir) and comfortable shoes! (Preferably runners)

If the weather is very rainy Sports Day will be CANCELLED – please refer to the school website for information regarding cancelation.  If Sports Day is cancelled the school day will resume as usual and Dismissal will still be at 1pm.

  • BIKE PARADE: On Sports Day there will be a Bike PARADE. This is optional! For those that are not participating we will watch and cheer for others together!
  • If students want to decorate a bike or a scooter and enter the parade they may do so. STUDENTS MUST HAVE A HELMET TO WEAR, or they will be asked to walk their bike in the parade. We ask that Bikes be brought to school in the morning at 8:45 am and be placed in the designated colour area against the fence along the backstop area of the field closest to the school. Students must then report to their classroom as usual. There will be an adult watching the bikes to ensure they are safe. After the Parade students will be asked to lock up their bikes along the fence in front of the primary classroom doors or parents could arrange to take them home or to their car/van at that time. Students who do not have a lock to lock up their bikes may leave them in the school Gymnasium until the end of Sports Day. Please Pick up your bike or scooter at the end of the day.
  •  Early Dismissal 1pm and Pizza Fun Lunch on Friday June 17th.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

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