Spirit Day: Zoom Day

Hello Division 13 Families,


This Friday November 18 we will be having another spirit day. This time the theme day is “Zoom Meeting” which means business/profession attire on the top and Pyjamas or comfies on the bottom. House points for sports day will be given to students who participate. Please let me know if you have any questions!

I wanted to share a quick update on our learning as well. At this point we have learned 13 letters in the alphabet together as a class. We use the order according to Jolly Phonics, so we have learned group 1  (S A T I P N) and group 2 (C K E H R M D).

It is really helpful at this point in their learning to reinforce this understanding of identifying the letter name and the sound of these letters that we have learned. If you have opportunities at home to play with these letters and practice the sounds that would be really helpful. The more practice the better! A great way to practice would be playing games like I spy, Bingo or banana grams or even writing the letters on small pieces of paper and rearranging to sound out words. If you would like some more concrete examples I would be happy to show you! 🙂

We have such a kind and sweet group of students in our classroom this year. Thank you all for your continued kindness and communication throughout the school year so far!


With Kindness,

Ms. Guagneli

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