Remote Learning Plan (if necessary)

Hello Division 13 Families,


Thank you for your continued support during this unusual school year. I have heard from many of you that you are enjoying staying connected through Freshgrade and I am grateful to have a platform that allows us to share student learning and classroom activities.

Fraser Health has been asking more classes to isolate in the last month when there have been exposures. At this time, we are not expected to transfer our learning to online, but I wanted to share some information in case that should happen. If we do begin online learning, we would use Freshgrade, Zoom, Raz-Kids and our class blog for assignments and information.

  • Parents/students can upload assignments to Freshgrade via the student app login. I will be able view/comment on their work via their virtual portfolio. Your email should be attached to an account already.
  • I would post lesson plans, activities and resources on the class blog. Your email should already be attached to receive any new post updates. You can also locate the blog on the Suncrest website under “Staff”.
  • I would also schedule virtual meetings and sessions via Zoom.

We may not have the opportunity to pick up any materials or items from school, so our online platforms would be our main source of learning. Please let me know if you are not signed up to Freshgrade, Raz-kids, or the blog, and I will add your emails and names.

Again, this is just our tentative plan should we need to make the switch.

Thank you for your understanding.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond