Welcome to Division 7 – Page 12

To say our field trip to Barnet Beach was fun is an understatement, we had a marvellous time!

It was wonderful to watch the kiddos relax, imagine and play together along the ocean shore. We had students who were adventurous and would go wave jumping, we had a few brave souls who even went SWIMMING (BRRrr)! New friendships were made, new skills (such as fishing + crabbing) were uncovered, and new games (like bocce) were played! As well as the discovery that team work makes the dream work! I think it is safe to say that everyone left the beach that afternoon with a full and happy heart, tired bodies and a smile beaming from ear to ear. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to drive and supervise all the kiddos to and from the school. The day would not have been possible without your unconditional support and involvement. A million thank yous for all that you do!

The following day we reflected on our favourite part of our beach day.

What is one of your favourite activities to do at the beach?

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Image result for clipart of a soccer ballWe are very enthusiastic about soccer. We loved the team effort, team enthusiasm, the race for the ball and the opportunity to showcase our soccer skills, passing, shooting and stopping the ball. After playing our little hearts out we are quickly becoming aware of the effects that physical activity has on our bodies. We are noticing that our breathing increases, are thirst is quenched, and our bodies are hot and at times perspiring. 

What other activities do you enjoy to play or participate in? What effects do these activities have upon your body? Do you notice any other positive effects from physical activity – what is your mood like? What is your energy like?

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In Social Studies we have been learning about present day technologies and how they have changed over the years. How have computers changed and evolved over the years? What has the primary function of the computer always been? What is the sole purpose of a fridge? How have fridges evolved over time?

Yesterday, we worked together in groups to accurately sequence the evolution of the telephone. Do you know in what year the Bell Telephone Company was created and by whom? Did you know that in 1989, the first flip phone was made and it cost approximately $3,000?! When do you think the first automatic mobile phone system for cars was developed? Our young learners thoroughly enjoyed this activity and were amazed at the evolution of technology over the years.

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Is it just me, or is time racing by as we are approaching the end of the school year? Do you know what time it is? How many more minutes until recess? How many more hours until lunch? How many more minutes until centres? Today we were practicing identifying the hour of the clock.

Quick tip: the little hand will always point to the hour and the big hand will tell us how many minutes.

Next time your child is asking you what time it is, encourage them to take a risk and try telling YOU the time!


We are fortunate to be having Ultimate Frisbee coaches here at Parkcrest this week to be teaching us new skills. Monday was our first day of Ultimate Frisbee, we learned the proper technique to throw a frisbee and to successfully catch it. Today will be our second day and we are REALLY looking forward to the experience. I wonder what we will learn today?

Image result for frisbee clipart

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