Our last full week as Division 7 – Welcome to Division 7

Our last full week as Division 7

| Posted in Exploration

How is it already the end of June? It feels like the first week of June was just yesterday!

This week, we read, or rather observed a wordless picture book called Fossil by Bill Thomson. The students were practicing their skills in making logical inferences. When making an inference, you are using clues that the author has given you, as well as accessing your prior knowledge to try and make meaning. The students loved how the story unfolded and found it great fun to pause throughout the book to make an inference. Great conversations and “I wonders” organically flowed from this book. To the students surprise I was able to pass around some real live fossils for them to examine. The connections, the amazement and the curiosity was flowing throughout the classroom.


This week’s challenge was to design and create a marble maze using straws and tape. Let the creativity and critical thinking BEGIN! Students had a choice to either work independently or in small groups. Some immediately found the task exciting and an opportunity to be a risk taker, while trying out new things, whereas others quickly discovered that it was not as easy as they anticipated and experienced some frustration. Although some of us may be frustrated with the process of creating and designing, we remember to rely upon our GRIT and perseverance to help us work through those difficulties.


We are relying upon our strong Instructional Writing skills to support the younger grades in surviving Mrs. Ralph’s class. Students are focusing on instructional writing as our genre and are encouraged to use clear and specific examples with reasoning, on how to survive the wacky class of Mrs. Ralph!

I hope that everyone has a beautiful and COOL weekend during this heat wave. Looking forward to Monday FUN-day! The students worked together to generate a plan for our last full day together, although I also have a few tricks up my sleeve. Again, I’m savouring these last wonderful moments with your child before the summer break and

spreading their wings to soar off to Grade 3 + 4!

~ Mrs. Ralph

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