We can identify and distinguish between water and land formations – Welcome to Division 7

We can identify and distinguish between water and land formations

| Posted in Citizens


As we continue in our Landforms unit in Social Studies we are becoming more confident in our abilities to (a) list various formations (b) distinguish between water and land formation and (c) we are capable of expressing how landforms can be created.

There was a lot of wonderment today as we thought about how ARE landforms created? What forms a mountain?is there a giant somewhere that is molding play-doh to create a it? “NO, absolutely not!” the students roared. But then, how are mountains formed? What creates a canyon? 

We are constantly demonstrating a natural curiosity about the world around us. We are encouraged to ponder, wonder and to ask and inquire about our surrounding environment. We discovered today that landforms are caused by earthquakes, weathering (i.e., rain + wind), erosion and deposits. Ever wonder how an island is formed? Ask your young citizen if they can recall one example of how an island is created *hint hint, think of a volcano and lava. 

We are currently very curious about landforms! See if your young learner remembers why a plateau can be called a MESA? How does a plateau differ from a mountain? 

Stay tuned as we are going to begin looking at specific landforms that pertain to different provincial regions in our Country. How does our geography change throughout the provinces and territories?

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