Try, try + try again! – Welcome to Division 7

Try, try + try again!

| Posted in Pure Magic

Last week the kiddos put on their social committee thinking caps and collaboratively worked together to come up with our last hurrah activities to celebrate our time in Division 6. There were many wonderful, thoughtful and creative ideas. I did my very best to incorporate all their plans into our last week together.

One of the ideas was to have different station activities. *POOF* Collaborative, creative and critical thinking centres appeared first thing this morning! Not only was critical + creative thinking involved during their engagement at each station, but so was determination, flexibility, patience, teamwork, communication and resiliency.

Students were divided into three different groups. They rotated between three different stations.

Station A: What can you make?

There were a variety of materials at Station A where students were left to rely upon their creative thinking to create something. There were building blocks, clothes pegs, popsicle sticks, string and straws. It was interesting to see what each child gravitated towards in terms of materials that they wanted to use.

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Station B: Create a straw bridge

Students were challenged to develop a straw bridge that could balance toy cars, connecting from one desk to another. I enjoyed overhearing the conversations that would ensue as they would develop and construct their ideas. Some students were drawing upon real infrastructures that they already knew about, such as the Lion’s Gate Bridge, where as other students solely relied upon their imagination and creativity.

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Station C: This was a doozy! The Spaghetti Tower

Students were given 30 (raw) spaghetti noodles, a piece of tape that was the span of my arms and one giant marshmallow. These were the materials that was provided and they had to work strategically as I would not provide any more materials (this meant be careful not to break the spaghetti noodles; also use the tape sparingly, if you were overzealous to begin you might not have enough remaining tape to finish your structure). The objective was to create the tallest, free-standing structure that could balance the marshmallow on top.

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This took place all morning long and the students were buzzing with brainpower and excitement. After lunch there was a surprise!

It was time for FOSSIL EXPLORATION! Ask your child how many fossil ‘shark teeth’ were discovered during the Anthropology Dig!









I wonder what tomorrow’s festivities will include?

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