Learning is so deLIGHTful – Welcome to Division 7

Learning is so deLIGHTful

| Posted in Scientists

We have been exploring many aspects of light through exploration centres this past week.

We have each planted a bean and pea seed and are simultaneously learning about the plant life cycle as well as the interaction between plants and light.

We are observing on a daily basis that plants grow towards the sun. We are now able to identify and distinguish between natural and artificial light sources.

By exploring the different light stations we learned about the following:

We learned about REFRACTION: it appears that the pencil in the water is split in half, but is it really? Why does it appear that it is split? What is the light doing?

We are now able to identity what materials are TRANSPARENT, TRANSLUCENT and OPAQUE.


We understand that interactions of light with different objects create images and shadows. Ask your young scientist about the incident ray of light and the reflected ray. What is happening to the light when it reflects off a surface?

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