October 2019 – Page 2 – Welcome to Division 7

Month: October 2019

In Math our Grade 2’s are working hard with numbers 1-100. Today we were busy with a task at hand, first we had to estimate (making a thoughtful guess) with the quantity of counters that we had. Secondly, we then had to count them (yes, all of them!). Once we determined the exact number that we had we had to show that number using a tens frame. This was a new task for us, identifying a number using tens frame and then identifying how many groups of tens and how many ones?

With the number 94 – how many groups of tens, and how many ones are there?

Since the beginning of the school year we have been focusing on our self-awareness, recognizing who we are, our strengths + dreams, our goals for improvement, how we are unique, noticing similarities and differences amongst ourselves and ultimately being proud of the wonderful, beautiful and special person that we are as individuals. To go along with our discussions we have been talking about family, what makes a family a family? Inspired by the storybook “A family is a family is a family” by Sara O’Leary we created our very own family tree outside our classroom door in the hallway. Next time you are in the upper wing, please come by and view our family tree.

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