Mathematicians – Welcome to Division 7

Category: Mathematicians

Although we are immersed in our Geometry units we still want to maintain our foundational math skills. On Fridays we have math games where we will continue to utilize our addition and subtraction math facts! Today was our first day with our math games and it was a major success!


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Today in Math, the Grade 2’s were introduced to Canadian coins and their corresponding value. Our mathematicians were given a value and had to determine more than one way to represent the monetary value.


  • Can you represent 45cents using exactly 5 coins? What coins would you use?
  • How many different ways can you represent 63cents?


In Math our Grade 2’s are working hard with numbers 1-100. Today we were busy with a task at hand, first we had to estimate (making a thoughtful guess) with the quantity of counters that we had. Secondly, we then had to count them (yes, all of them!). Once we determined the exact number that we had we had to show that number using a tens frame. This was a new task for us, identifying a number using tens frame and then identifying how many groups of tens and how many ones?

With the number 94 – how many groups of tens, and how many ones are there?

Our grade 2’s are taking a short break from all our hard work learning addition and subtraction that involves regrouping. We are enjoying the creativity that comes with exploring the world of Geometry. What can you build with 3D shapes?

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Our Gr 2’s were introduced to a new mathematical tool this week, the ruler!

We explored the confines of our classroom and compared the height, length and width of various objects using standard units of measure, centimetres.

We also began estimating length. By visually looking at two objects, we learned how to make a logical and rationale estimate of length. After our estimation was made, we then accurately measured the two objects and recorded our findings in centimetres.



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