Art Creations – Page 2 – Welcome to Division 7

Category: Art Creations

The First Peoples’ story, The Sun and the Moon by Celestine Aleck, illustrated by Cole Good beautifully conveyed the important relationship between the Sun and the Moon.

In this Coast Salish story, to help make their children happy, the Sun and the Moon make the difficult choice to part from each other. The Creator allows them to visit only at the time of an eclipse and at sunrise and sunset. The great love between the sun and the moon can be seen in the beauty of those times.

Again, our recent Science discoveries inspired yet another Art lesson. We created an Art piece that signifies the important and loving relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This was a two step process as we first used crayons to colour in our sun and moon. The following day we then applied a watercolour wash over our illustration to finish our piece.

Zodiac Signs

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Our love + curiosity for the Sky’s night objects has transferred over to our recent Art lessons.

We were in awe learning  about the different stars in the sky. We then became enthralled with the fact that we each have a different Zodiac sign pertaining to our birth date. We then discovered that a group of stars in the sky can form a shape of an animal, mythological creature, man, woman, or object (like a crown, compass or microscope). These star formations are called constellations. Did you know that there are a total of 88 different constellations in the sky?

We LOVED learning about our Astrological Zodiac Signs. We read, listened and viewed the different Greek mythologies pertaining to our Zodiac Sign.

Our recent Science discoveries inspired our water colour Constellation Art. You can view your son/daughter’s art on their Blogfolio.

What Zodiac sign are you?

What is the mythology meaning behind your sign?


Spread the Love

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“Spread love everywhere you go, let no one ever come to you without leaving happier” — Mother Teresa

Yesterday, for Valentine’s Day, we had a celebration day full of love.  We exuded happiness, joy, kindness, (a sugar high) and love, lots and lots of love. In writing, we brainstormed and discussed ways that we can spread love throughout our classroom, school, community and world. We hope that these acts of love can be celebrated each and every day, not just on February 14th. With more people demonstrating acts of love on a regular basis, we hope that our world will become a better, more loving place.

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Did you demonstrate love today?

How did you spread kindness or friendship?

What act of love can you do tomorrow to let someone know that they are important to you?


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