Art Creations – Welcome to Division 7

Category: Art Creations

We had our kick off assembly for Literacy Week this morning. As a follow up activity, to reflect the book we listened during assembly, we began creating our very own Colour Monsters! Our colour monsters will represent a feeling. As a class we generated a multitude of feelings as inspiration for our colour monsters. Before you know it our school halls will be decorated with colour monsters, keep your eyes peeled to see when they emerge! 

Our provincial landforms

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Ask your citizen how we combined Social Studies and Art in this project. I was very impressed with the attention to detail, the patience and care and the creativity that went into their projects. 


Here are some of the things that we loved most about landforms:

  • they are different shapes and sizes
  • landforms can be tall and small 
  • some can be water and some are land
  • volcano, canyon, glacier, valley, lake, mountain, cave, river, bay, delta, waterfall , cliff, hill, desert, island are all landforms
  • plateau is also a landform 
  • I like painting my landform 
  • I like making the map of Canada
  • I liked using the salt dough
  • I liked painting the salt dough
  • I liked doing the salt dough
  • salt dough
  • it was hard shaping the salt dough because it was so sticky
  • when the salt dough was hard to use  I rolled it in a ball and it was easier to use
  • it was tricky to make trees with salt dough because you had to make the tree trunk without it falling down. It was easier to use the salt dough when it was cold. 
  • I like planet Earth!
  • we learned about continents and oceans they are, Antarctica, North America, Asia, Australia, South America, Africa, Europe + Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean!

There was a buzz in Division 7 today. It started when students were given their role in our new and upcoming Drama Play all about FORCE + MOTION! Today we reviewed the importance and purpose of visual arts such as drama. Our actors were immediately eager and enthusiastic to read through their very own part in our play. Please stay tuned to how our drama play enfolds in the coming weeks as we start our drama practices TOMORROW! 

* Students may be coming home with a copy of their script, they are not required to memorize their lines, but a little practice at home will always be encouraged to reinforce familiarity of their lines as well as build up their confidence. Thank you in advance for your support!

In Science we are learning All About Penguins! So far we have discovered the penguins’ habitat, diet, eating habits, order of the food chain, stages of the life cycle and the physical differences among the various species of penguins.

Today in Art we became an expert on a specific species of penguins. It is safe to say that Little Blue Penguin was by far the most popular species of penguin because they are so incredibly small and cute. Ask your young scientist + artist what penguin they chose to study. In Art today, we were bringing our Science to life and were beginning our life size sketch of our penguin of study. Stay tuned for any changes that occur outside our hallway as the March of Penguins may be taking place there in the coming weeks.

Since the beginning of the school year we have been focusing on our self-awareness, recognizing who we are, our strengths + dreams, our goals for improvement, how we are unique, noticing similarities and differences amongst ourselves and ultimately being proud of the wonderful, beautiful and special person that we are as individuals. To go along with our discussions we have been talking about family, what makes a family a family? Inspired by the storybook “A family is a family is a family” by Sara O’Leary we created our very own family tree outside our classroom door in the hallway. Next time you are in the upper wing, please come by and view our family tree.

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