December 8

Thank you to everyone who was able to come to our Poetry “Night” today.  The students were a bundle of nerves and blazed through their poems but presented very well.  I really pushed them to reach for some inner emotions when writing their poems and I think many were nervous to share. Special thanks to Chi Fox for supplying some of the treats we got to enjoy.

Before we invited you in we watched the Ted talk of Brene Brown on The Power of Vulnerability.  We talked briefly about how it can be nerve-wracking yet rewarding to allow ourselves to be in such a vulnerable situation as public speaking.  We weren’t quite able to watch the whole thing before we invited you in, but if you’re interested in following up with your child please find the link below.


We’re starting to wind things down as the Winter Break is approaching, but we still have two more weeks to get through!  Given the awkward lay of the month this school year, students have slowly started into some Term 2 work that will carry on upon their return in January.  **They are not expected to work on any assignments during the Winter Break.**

Class Work:

Writing – Fairy Tale (3rd draft) anyone who has not yet handed in the 3rd draft of their Fairy Tale will be expected to do so Monday.


  • Independent Novel Study for December due Friday, December 22nd.  (Students should have picked their books by now.)
  • La guerre des tuques – Bloom’s ball **Part 1 due Thursday  **Part 2 due Thursday, December 21st  **Part 3 due Thursday, January 18th

Art – We are doing Found Art inspired by Brian Jungen (a BC artist of Dane-Zaa ancestry).  Students should be planning and collecting discarded and recycled materials for their art projects.  They should come prepared to work on their projects Mondays and Thursdays.  Projects are due Friday, December 15th

Dictee – We will have one more Dictee before the break though it technically counts for Term 2

Math – We will have one more test before the break.  This will be the Module 2 final test to round off the unit.

Points of Interest:

  • Toy Drive ends Tuesday
  • Christmas Craft at Lunch in the gym Thursday
  • Hot Lunch Friday
  • Secret Santa presents due (wrapped and tagged) to Mme Potyka Wednesday, December 20th

38 Replies to “December 8”

  1. For our business letters can I send two because theirs multiples headquarters and I want to send it to Ontario and Denmark? Ontario because if Denmark just pushes it away I’ll have a different place to.Denmark because its bigger and the origanal place lego was devoloped.

  2. C’est seulement parce que j’ai dis les enfants “cools” aussi, hier on a verifié sur linguee et tu m’as dit que c’était d’accord.

  3. Will we have time to work on our art and our balle de bloom on thursday? I missed wednesday and I’m a bit behind on both because they are at school.

  4. For the balle de Bloom part 1 #3 the personnage principal are there cetairn traits you are looking for or do we tell you what we think about the character?

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