5 thoughts on “Qs & Connections

  1. Over the past years, technology has dramatically changed science in a better, and more efficient way! Between the 1800s and the 1900s, most scientist worked alone or in small groups. However, today we have ways to communicate world-wide which is tremendously helpful when discussing, and sharing research. Also, back then, most scientist’s workspace were quite small, consisted of basic equipment. For example, when J.J Thomson discovered a new particle of matter, the electrons, his lab equipment mainly consisted of vacuum tubes, magnets, and some simple wiring. This is the complete opposite of how our labs look like today! Which is heavily materialized with complex super computers, expensive equipment, and multiple scientists working together. Lastly, which I believe to be the most important, is how fast research is publicized nowadays. Previously, research were slowly printed and were hard to access by other scientists. However, thanks to the rise of the Internet, information and scientific results are publicized faster than ever before. Multiple research articles are available online even before they are printed, this is highly efficient because the latest studies can be found, others could provide feedback on articles, and be replicated by others around the world. Overall, technology has dramatically changed how science is done, and how it’s shared!

    1. Sean, you’ve done a particualarly excellent job of identifying the impact technology has had on the ability to share and publish scientific findings! The evolution of communication from spoken word to print to the internet- and now such widespread not to mention speedy access to such internet is in fact revolutionary. Thank you for sharing your thoughts I really enjoyed reading your post 🙂

  2. Looking over the past years involving technology, scientific discoveries have been much more shareable, globally. Back then, many discoveries have taken months and many years to share. Nowadays, the internet helps us communicate with others with scientists around the world. This allows us to share more discoveries faster than ever before. Thus, technology has helped us exchange discoveries and new findings in the science game.

    1. Hi Andrea!
      Sorry that I missed this, great to catch up with you on the phone and I will update this site asap. Keep checking your office 365 messages for more information next week. No work to do this week 🙂

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