
Learning Menu 7

Morning Kindergartens!  Our theme this week for our menu is jump!

Click here for the menu.  Make sure to do the response!

Have fun!

Mrs. Nordstrand

Learning Menu 6

Morning Kindergartens!  Our theme this week for our menu is Frogs!  Join us on Thursday to learn another Frog song!

Click here for the menu.  Make sure to do the response!

Have fun!

Mrs. Nordstrand

Learning Menu 5

Hi Grade Kindergarten’s!  I’m missing you and thinking of you!  What Music activity will you try this week?

Don’t forget to do the response so I know which one you tried!  Hope to see you in our online lesson.

It’s week 5 of your learning menus!  Click here. to see this week’s activities.

Take care!

Mrs. Nordstrand



Activity 6 (week of May 11)

Hello everyone, I hope you had a good week!

For Mrs. Nordstrand’s Menu click here.  Did you see the video I made for the community?

Here are Ms. Hesketh’s menu and materials for the week:

If you did not listen to last week’s introduction of “melody”, please do so here:


Click here for a music learning menu from Ms. Hesketh. Choose one or more to try out.

Don’t forget to send your response (picture, video, worksheet etc.) and/or fill in the form from Ms. Nordstrand and send to your music teacher.

Have fun!

Materials for the week of May 11:

Actively listen-Secret song recording:

Move: Audio introduction


Secret song answer (backwards): yggod yggod


Activity 5 (week of May 4)

Hello everyone,

Click here for a learning menu from Mrs. Nordstrand

Below are activities for Mme. Hesketh’s learning menu.

I hope you had a great week. Here are some more activities for you to try out.

Before you start, I’d like you to watch a couple of videos explaining what a “melody” is.

Please listen to my audio introduction of “melody” here:


Now click here for fun video example.

Click here for a music learning menu from Ms. Hesketh. Choose one or more to try out.

Don’t forget to send your response (picture, video, worksheet etc.) and/or fill in the form from Ms. Nordstrand and send to your music teacher.

Have fun!



Click here for the musical response sheet

Click here for the body chart for “Move”

Here is an explanation of song mapping for “Create and experiment”


Here is the secret song for “Practice::


Activity 4

Hello everyone, I hope you had a good week.

Click here for a music learning from Mrs. Nordstrand.  Choose one or more to try out.

Make sure to send your entry to Mrs. Nordstrand for our special Music Monday project!

Click here for a music learning menu from Ms. Hesketh. Choose one or more to try out.

Click here for the worksheet for the active listening activity.

Don’t forget to send your response (picture, video, worksheet etc.) and/or fill in the form from Ms. Nordstrand and send to your music teacher.

Have fun!


Activity 3

Click here for a learning Menu from Mrs. Nordstrand.  Choose one or as many as you wish to do on the menu!

Here is a response sheet you can use!

Let Mrs. Nordstrand know you completed an activty!  Fill in this form



Activity 3 from Ms. Hesketh

Don’t worry be happy!
Here is a great video to get you in a music-loving mood!

Click here to watch!


Video hello from Ms. Hesketh


*Did you start to recognize the sound of the characters in Peter and the Wolf?

*Do you think you can name the instruments by their sound now?



This week I would like to ask you to think about your favourite musical character in the story?

What is your favourite character or musical theme, why? What instrument is it played by?

Draw a picture of how the theme or character’s music made you feel.

Do you think of certain colours? Do you think of round shapes or jagged shapes? Does it make you feel happy, sad, or excited? Does it remind you of something or someone in particular?

Here is a worksheet you can print, or you can just use a simple piece of paper.

Once you have drawn your picture, ask a grown up in your house to help you write a few words about what you drew and why.



Send a picture to your music teacher by email with your name and division.

Take care and have fun!


Activity 2

Did you find the first activity on the Week One page?

Big hello to all of you! Here is a little recording that I (Ms. Hesketh) made just to say hi!



I hope you are all doing okay and getting out in the sunshine these days. Have you noticed that the streets are a lot quieter right now? It sure seems like the animals and birds have, they seem a lot braver than usual without so many of us humans around. Have you noticed any new animals around your home venturing out that you’ve never seen before? I saw a beautiful brown and white falcon in my backyard and a bald eagle in my front yard this week for the very first time!

1. For the next few lessons we are going to listen to a very famous musical story about animals by the composer Sergei Prokoviev. It is called “Peter and the Wolf” and the story is told with words and music. It was written quite a long time ago in 1936 for a children’s theatre in Moscow, Russia. Prokoviev wrote it to introduce kids like you to the instruments of the orchestra. The neat thing about this piece is that the characters are played by specific instruments and you can really hear how each instrument has its own personality. Not only that, but there are musical ideas called “themes” played by the instruments. Each character has its own musical idea or “theme” connected to it.

Active Listening: Have a listen to the character’s musical themes here

Curious? 🙂

Prokoviev was born here

You can see pictures of Prokofiev here

2. Active Listening: Now that you’ve listened to the instruments and the themes for the different characters, grab a blanket and get cozy with some headphones and have a listen to the whole piece here 

Happy listening!

Video hello and activity from Mrs. Nordstrand

Click here to watch

