Next week is the last week of our school year – and what a year it has been!  We have all been through so much change and adaptation.  This is not how I imagined our last days in Kindergarten to be like.  Thank you for making these last few months easier and smoother for all of us!

On Thursday June 25 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am you are welcome to come by the classroom to pick up your child’s report card.  I would love to see you all and have a chance to personally say goodbye to you and the children.  If you cannot make it, please pick up the report card from the office on Friday June 26th.

On Sunday June 21 it is Father’s Day – I wish all the fathers a very Happy Father’s Day!  I am sure we will never forget this year and how different it was!  I hope you all make the most of it and spend the day with your family doing the things you love to do!

I hope to see many of you next Thursday!