"All I really need to know — I learned in Kindergarten"

Caterpillar Update!


The caterpillars have grown a lot in the past week.  They started as a tiny egg and now have become grown caterpillars.  They have been eating a special diet consisting of mainly soy and wheat, with added vitamins and minerals which is seen in the bottom of the containers.

There are times when they are very active and times when they are quite still. Since it has been quite warm, the development of the caterpillars has been faster than usual.  Eventually they will hang from the top of the containers in a J-shape, which is a sign that they will form cocoons very soon.  Stay tuned…


  1. Maya

    I am happy for the caterpillars. They are going to be happy!

    • Sonya

      Yes they are growing fast!

  2. Maya

    Coo l mS Minhas I love it and I can’t wait to see the butterflies 🦋❤️

    • minhass

      It’s pretty cool!

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