What I do when I only see the left end of the stick.


We have read further in Touching Spirit Bear and we have learned a lesson. Edwin said ” try to get rid of the left end of the stick.” ” Why is the left end of the stick still there?”  We have been reading about how the left end of the stick cannot be broken. Edwin also said that the pond they were sitting in gave them a choice to be either happy or angry. We have been given the question What do you do when you can only see the left end of the stick?

I usually just relax and do something that takes my anger off of my mind. Relaxing and doing something else is how I take away my anger.

Banishing Cole And Why I think It Was A Good Idea


We have been reading this book called Touching Spirit Bear and we have  been wondering if banishing Cole was a good idea or a bad idea. Here are some of my ideas.

I think that banishing Cole was a good idea and here are my reasons why. Garvey said that the banishment was “an extended time alone to face himself and to face the angry spirits inside of him.” Page 56. Cole was not doing well because he was angry to himself because his dad was angry to him all the time. Second, when Garvey gave the at.oow to Cole he wanted him to give it to someone he trusted. Third, Cole found himself in a bad spot when he was in the circle justice meetings and he wanted to be on the island because he did not want to be in jail. He also burned the shelter because he was angry and he tried to burn the at.oow but he missed the fire. He didn’t like the place but I think that him going there was a good idea  Banishing Cole was a good idea because it gave Cole a chance to ” find himself there.”