March Precept

Hi guys! I’m back to talk about the March Precept.The March precept is kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.

What I think that means that kind words are better then saying mean stuff to other people.Example if you were in soccer and a boy came up to you and said you suck at soccer why are you even here and then he leaves.Then another boy comes and says, don’t worry you are good at soccer.

So what I mean by then another boy comes and says, don’t worry you are good at soccer if you were reading what the mean boy said to him and you read what the boy from his team said to him.would you like to be treated how the mean boy treated the boy that is on the other team or would you wanted to be treated like how the boy that was on his team said to him..

The part where it says yet they accomplish much I think it mean like if you are going to say words don’t say mean stuff to hurt other peoples feelings because i don’t think you would like to be treated like that.What I men by nice stuff Imean like you are good at soccer or like you are pretty or you are cute.

So thats what I think about the March precept means thanks for reading.



March precpet

Mr. Browne’s March precept is kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.

What I think it means is that, for example you see someone at lunch getting bullied, after getting bullied, you go to that person and say something kind. Something that will fill their buckets and make them happy. Kind words= you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re awesome. Those are kind words that will fill a bucket. You said these words.

After you say these words the person you said it to will be happy and feel they are respected. You just filled a bucket and you didn’t pay any money at all. The person is happy and so are you!

kind words, did you pay money to say these words? No you didn’t! You didn’t pay

any money to say


Here is the March Precept: Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.

I think it means that it wouldn’t hurt to say something nice, like if you say something nice, it probably wouldn’t hurt or harm you. If you say something encouraging to someone it might brighten up their day or make them smile and that would make kind words effective; which means that the kind words did their “job” of making someone happy.

However, if you say something bad/mean , it would usually “cost” you something, like if you say something really mean to someone, they might get mad at you and maybe even do something bad to you which is the “price” for saying something bad.


March Precept

The March precept is “Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.” By: Blaise Pascal. This means to me that if someone is feeling bad and you don’t usually say things nice to anyone you can talk to them and tell them “You’re perfect the way you are”, “You are you don’t change that” etc. they do not cost much means (to me) it won’t kill you to say some nice words, they accomplish so much the person that was sad, after you said those nice things they turned down to up.

The March precept also means (to me) that words that hurt people cost so much ” Why does it cost much?” you may be asking, this is how when you “buy” words that can hurt someone you have to deal with the guilt and the pain you gave that person when you could’ve bought the kind words and have a guilt free life, it accomplishes so much when you just say nice words than words that can hurt.