Inquiry Project

Just to be clear an inquiry project is a big project that we choose what we do it on. At the end we we finish we have an inquiry fair and we show our inquiry projects to other classes and parents.

Jan 2.


Hi I’m doing my inquiry project on writing a story. I have been brainstorming and been starting to write but of course I still have a ways to go. I find it fun to let my imagination run free. I’m doing both my rough draft and my good copy on a computer. That’s what I have done this Week.


Feb 15.

I have just written 2 more pages of my story. I’m getting more interesting as I go on. Here’s part of my story so you can see what I’m working on.


Then that night they went hunting. Daniel took the shotgun Raine took the bow and Hunter took a Bow and they all had knives. They swiftly moved through the trees and then Daniel climbed a sturdy oak tree and she aimed at a big moose. She shot straight on 3 times and then Hunter and Raine took care of it from there. Daniel went on without them and she got a Caribou an Elk and a Deer. Hunter and Raine caught up to her before she went on every time. Thanks for reading. Bye!


12/15/2015 week 2 . Hey guys,it’s Candy and welcome back to week 2! Ok,so change of plans. For my I2 project is…my top 5 fashion stores.Some of you guys would know because you saw my comment with Mr.Milloy.So anyway I have not always been wanting to fashion but I think it is really cool topic to think about.My mother got me interested in fashion.Bye and make sure you read week 3