week 2 of I2

Week 2, 5/20/2016

Hello everyone. Welcome back! Sea turtles are my topic, for this I2, as you know I did my 5 top fashion brands. I think I will enjoy the topic sea turtles more because I am slow like a sea turtle! There is somethings I don’t like about sea turtles, and there is somethings I like about them…like what I don’t like about the female sea turtles, is that after the baby sea turtles are born, and then the mother turtle just leaves them! That’s so sad for the newborn baby turtle, and when a mother turtle gives birth…she gives birth to 4 to 5 turtles at a time! Poor little baby turtles.

Come back and read next week, what I like about sea turtles! Thanks for reading!

I2 Journal

I am beginning my I2 project, I am doing it on Dreams & Nightmares. I have begun taking books out of the library and searching scientific web posts. I love nightmares.  Scratch that, I hate them. I love actual dreams where you eat ice-cream or whatever. When you dream it can sometimes relate to real life actions. For example if you watched a scary movie you could have nightmares, or you could have a dream that makes no sense, which by the way is very confusing. That’s all I have today, See You next week!!!


Welcome back to I2! Week 1, May, 6, 2016.

I don’t know what I want to do! I do think I want to do turtles or how YouTube was invented. Which one do you like? I want to do turtles because, I think there’re really cool, and they’re slow, [like me!] I want to do want to do how YouTube was invented, because I watch YouTube, after school. How many of you guys watch YouTube after school? Well let me know in the comments below!

Inquiry Project

4/24/16            Week 1

Hi everyone, we are going to be doing inquiry projects again. It will be the same as our old inquiry projects but we have to choose a different topic. You guys might remember my old inquiry topic and it was about marine mammals, my topic this time will be about animals again but instead i will be doing… Animal hybrids! Basically an animal hybrid is a mix of to animals, lets say that there is a  male tiger and a female lion mix then it would be a tigon, but if there was a male lion and a female tiger mix then it would be a liger.                       This is the main source and it’s also the source that made me want to do animal hybrides is the first place. http://www.boredpanda.com/strange-hybrid-animals-that-are-hard-to-believe-actually-exist/

Every week I will be talking about one hybrid animal and facts about it. Be sure to check out my blog entry next week to learn about a liger a male lion and female tiger cross.

5/3/16            Week 2

Okay so there is this one liger named Shasta and there is something special about her, she is special because she was the first liger ever born. Shasta was born in the America,  Salt Lake City in Hogle zoo in 1948 and died in 1972 because of a kidney failure. Shasta was the first birth of her mother so the mother didn’t take care of her that well so Shasta was hand fed by humans. When Shasta was a child she loved to climb because of the instincts from her mother. Tigers are said to be better climbers then lions. Ligers normally have the facial features of there mothers  (tiger) but Shasta had the face of her father (lion). Shasta’s mom was a Siberian Tigeriss and her father was a African Lion.

Source:           http://www.ligerworld.com/shasta-the-first-ever-liger-in-America.html

Next week I will be talking about the Tigon, a male tiger and female lion cross.

5/9/16           Week 3

I learned that tigons are more rare then ligers, even though the first tigon was born in 1943, five years before the first liger, Shasta. When born in captivity, Tigers will live for at least thirty years, but when a Tigon is born in captivity it will live for ten years or less. The reason Tigons or any hybrid animal does not live as long is because they could have cancer, arthritis, or dwarfism. It is unnatural for an animal of one species to mate with an animal of a different species.

source:   https://youtu.be/-vs9bQKB5_w

For the inquiry fair, I had the idea of making a model that you can take apart and put back together to customize your own hybrid animal. I’m thinking of using styrofoam, but it might be hard to work with. I thought about using clay but the clay might stick together. I will have to experiment.

Next week I will be talking about the zonkey, a zebra/donkey mix.


5/20/16           Week 4

I think zonkeys are cool animals because they have the colour of a donkey but when you look at there legs you can see the donkey colour kind of fading into to the zebra pattern.   baby-zonkey

This is a picture of a zonkey.

Hybrids like Ippo are very rare. They have various traits from both parents, their appearance is more a donkey, but they have striped legs and tummies and a wilder temperament than a donkey. Ippo the zonkey, is a lovely two-for-one hybrid of the zebra and the donkey. Ippo was born  at an animal reserve in Florence, Italy.  Ippo’s dad jumped the fence and wondered into a enclosure housing endangered Amiata donkeys. In the enclosure Ippo’s dad met Ippo’s mom and twelve months later Ippo was born!

Source: http://www.boredpanda.com/zebra-donkey-hybrid-zonkey-ippo/

Hoped you guys liked my blog entry this week, come back next week to learn about a jaglion. A male jaguar mix with a female lion.


5/26/16           Week 5

on Week 3 of my inquiry journal I told you guys that I might use styrofoam and clay but it didn’t work because the clay wouldn’t stick to the styrofoam and then everything turned into a big mess. Instead of using clay and styrofoam I have been thinking about making a 2 or 3 different puzzles so that people can choose which puzzle they would like to make, then they can try and guess which animal hybrid is on the puzzle that the person just built. Anyways, this week I will be talking all about a jaglion. Right now you might be thinking “what the heck’s a jaglion?”, a jaglion is a male jaguar mix with a female lion. I think jaglions are super cool and beautiful animals.

This is a picture of a jaglion, to me this animal looks really cool because from a far it looks like a normal jaguar because of its black coating but if you look up close you can see the spots from the lion. I also love this animal because of its beautiful fur coat.

This is a source that I really like and it’s about two jaglions: Tsunami and Jazhara two jaglions and on the website it talks about there parents and stuff like that so make sure to check out the website.


Next week I will be talking about a Geep. Goat sheep cross

6/9/16      Week 6     


A geep is probably the cutest animal hybrid I a have ever seen.    


Isn’t this animal adorable.

This geep’s name is Butterfly, Butterfly lives at a petting zoo located in Scottsdale, Arizona. Butterfly was born, July 27th 2014. Butterfly’s mother, was named Momma and her father was named, Michael.


Since goats have 60 chromosomes and sheep have 54 chromosomes, like any other animal hybrid, this can lead to health problems. Very rarely geep’s, like Butterfly, survive and in total have around 57 chromosomes, which is enough chromosomes for geep to survive. Butterfly’s features are a blend of her parents. Her hooves and face are from Michael (father, goat), while her body is covered in a thick, warm woolen coat from Momma (mother, sheep).  

Source: http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/meet-butterfly-rare-sheep-goat-hybrid/

Next week is the last inquiry journal about a animal hybrid, and week 8 will be about how i’m going to present my work and all that jazz.
Next week I will be talking about a coywolf, a coyote, wolf mix.

Inquiry Project

Dec. 7-13, 2015

So our class has this project called an “Individual Inquiry Project” or i2. This project is a project that we choose to do. We have our own free will to do what we want with this project. Our class has to do a report on what we did each week. This is my first week.

My project will be about what the Earth is made of. The different things that make the Earth. That includes gravity, the layers of the Earth, and even down to cells. I will research a lot and hopefully find some interesting things that goes on in the Earth. I might even want to find out what other planets are made of. This is what my Inquiry project is about.

Dec. 14-20, 2015

This week I researched at the different layers of the Earth and the different layers of the Atmosphere.

Earth has 4 layers:

* The crust – Made up of silicon, oxygen, aluminum

* The mantle – Made up of silicon, magnesium, oxygen, iron, calcium, aluminum

* The outer core – Made up of iron and nickel

* The inner core – Made up of iron and nickel

The Earth’s Atmosphere has 5 layers:

* Exosphere

* Thermosphere

* Mesosphere

* Stratosphere

* Thermosphere

Jan. 4-10, 2016

This week I looked at the organization of things and the types of matter.

I found out that there are tiny building blocks that make objects we see (or don’t see). The first building blocks are protons, neutrons, and electrons. They make atoms. Atoms make molecules. Molecules make macromolecules. Macromolecules make organelles and organelles make cells.

Protons, neutrons, electrons- atoms- molecules- macromolecules- organelles- cells

I also researched about matter. Matter is a way to say a thing in the universe. I researched that there are three types of matter. They are gas, solid, and liquid. Be sure to check in next week!

Jan. 11-17, 2016

Hello guys! I’ll give you an update of my inquiry. This week I researched mainly about water. Water is a main part of the Earth. It takes up 71% of the Earth’s surface. The other 39% of the Earth’s surface is land.

I looked at the percentage of different water sources. There are 3 main water sources. They are oceans, freshwater, and other saline water. The oceans have the most water while the other saline water have the least. Thank you for reading my blog and I’ll be sure to give you an update next week!

Jan. 18-24, 2016

I’m back for another update on my inquiry! This week I found out about the age of the Earth. Did you know that the Earth is 4.543 Billion years old! If you’re wondering about the oldest planet in our solar system, I got you covered. There is not an “oldest planet in our solar system” as far as humans know.

I also looked for how our planet Earth was made. There is 1 theory that came to mind. No one knows if this is exactly true. The Big Bang Theory. A “big bang” created the universe.

Jan. 25-31, 2016

Inquiry week! This week I looked at the rock cycle and the different landforms.

Have you ever wondered about how we rocks come to Earth? We’ll there is a cycle for that. It’s called the rock cycle. The rock cycle tells us how rocks get made. Here are the steps for the cycle.

1. Crystallization

2. Erosion

3. Transportation

4. Deposition

5. Compaction and Cementation

6. Metamorphism

7. Melting

I also looked at the different landforms of the Earth. Landforms are different surfaces in the Earth’s surface. Here are some different types of landforms: Hills, mountains, plateaus, plains, valleys, loess, and glaciers. Thank you!

Feb. 1-7, 2016

This week I had a little curiosity. I wanted to know how the Earth got it’s name. All the other planets’ names came from Greek and Roman idols. Not Earth. Earth’s name is English/German. Earth’s name also simply means: the ground. Also, I found out some other interesting facts:

* Earth doesn’t take 24 hours to fully rotate around. It’s 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds.

* A whole Earth year isn’t 365 days. It’s actually 365.2564 days. That extra makes leap years.

* Earth tilts at 66 degrees.

Keep in check for the next article!

Feb. 8-14, 2016

This week I started getting wrapped up. I wasn’t researching anymore and now I have all my information and notes. I am really looking forward to seeing my finished product! I hope it turns out great!

This week I planned on making a model. I was thinking on making a model of just the Earth. Unfortunately I didn’t have the supplies. But, I put all my notes and organized them into one big document. I have a plan now on how to present my project too! I can’t wait! Check in for my next article!

Feb.15-21, 2016

This week I practiced my “elevator pitch.” An “elevator pitch is to give out an idea in quick seconds. Those quick seconds of giving out an idea should still be powerful enough that whoever you’re speaking to still gets interested. The reason this is called an elevator pitch is because give your pitch, basically in an elevator. You, and the person/people you’re giving the pitch to are in the elevator. If you don’t give out your idea quickly, the audience might have their floor come up, might get interrupted by someone, e.t.c. An elevator pitch should be 10-30 seconds long.

My elevator pitch is obviously about our beautiful home called Earth. Most people think that Earth is just a random planet, but it’s not. That’s just a preview of my pitch. Come to my fair to hear all of it and to get interested in my topic!


week 1 12/11/15 Hey everyone,welcome to my first ever I2 ideas!!I’m going to write my I2 ever week. What I want to do is Fashion. I want to do Fashion because I always read books about clothing,that’s how I wanted to do it for my I2 project.Fashion is a huge topic to think about.I am going to do how fashion is now from then.Do you guys think it is a good I2 project? How I am going to do that is by drawing clothes,pants,socks and shoes now and back then.What I need to do this project is pencils,books and desktops etc. It is going to be awesome!Keep reading! Bye and see you at week 2!