Feb precpet

Mr.Browne’s Feb precpet is It is better to know some of the questions than to know all the answers. What I think that means is that you can learn a lot from your questions. Big or small. Knowing the answers is’t meaning it is right. Ask questions to make sure your answer is right. Asking questions is helpful because if you ask teacher a question he or she will answer and someday someone will ask the same question and you will be able to answer the question!

February Precept

The precept for February is “It’s better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.” By James Thurber, I’m bringing the first precept in to this (the September precept) “When given the choice of being right and being kind choose kind.” This is what I’m thinking is when you’re given the choice to know all the answers and not let other people think and find it out themselves or think about the questions you have for the problem you are working on and if you have the answers keep it to yourself and think of other ways you could have done it.

What I also think is that maybe the precept (of February) means that if you have all the answers to anything you wouldn’t have anything to question nothing to think deeply about if anyone could answer anything I would be afraid, afraid of knowing everything, personally I love being able to think even if I don’t have all the answers when I need them not normally would I think so deeply about one thing but just now while making this I’m thinking of what to write.


Here is the February precept: It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.
I think it means that sometimes it’s better to understand the questions than to know all the answers, because sometimes, knowing what the questions mean can lead to more questions or better understanding.
Knowing all the answers can be good, but sometimes it could be a bad thing because you wouldn’t have much to wonder about. Like some one could ask you a question and you would know the answer, but how could you learn anything from that? I like to have things to wonder about because finding the answer could be fun.
Are there aliens on other planets? Wouldn’t that be fun to solve?

February precept

February precept: It’s better to know some questions than all the answers.

I think that…

the universe is about figuring out new things, not knowing everything if we knew everything then there is no point to live. Questions are everything, when you know what will happen in the future and the past because you know everything.

there is nothing to do or to learn and there is going to be no such thing as intensity, happiness, and love. Two question that are really famous are,

1) what will I be when I grow up?

2) will I be successful when I grow up