What I do when I can only see the left end of the stick.

We have read more further into Touching Spirit Bear and we have come across a part where they begin to talk about the left end of the stick the left end of the stick being your anger than we come across the question what do you do when you can only see the left end of the stick?

What I do when I can only see the left end of the stick is what lots of people would normally do, try to calm myself down most of the time I just read because it is really effective.

That is what I do when i can only seem to see the left end of the stick.

touching sprit bear the left stick

Image result for touching spirit bear cover

Cole on the island again after he got attacked by the sprit bear but he still came back.When he came back he came with Garvey and Edwin

and they stayed with Cole for a couple of nights and Cole had to pay for all the materials and sell some things like jet skies and other vehicles to just get the materials to be ion the island when it was the morning Edwin woke Cole up and told Cole to get ready because there were swimming in the cold pond Cole was so surprised because it was like 8 below and it was the morning they swam in the pond and Edwin told that Cole was releasing his anger but he still had it inside of him he told Cole that the lift is your anger the right one was peaceful and that you could never release or forget about your anger and when it’s the winter it’s the hardest because you have to stare at your fire and it would remind you of your anger


when your on the left stick your feeling anger and people think you can make it disappear but you can’t it’s always a memory never forgotten your right side of the stick is when your calm being kind and not feeling anger

when your on the the left stick you have to find a calm place like a cold pond where it’s peaceful and nobody there you can swim and release your but still have it inside of


anger is a memory never forgotten


What I do when I can only see the left end of the stick (Touching spirit bear)

We’ve been catching up on our reading of Touching Spirit Bear, and we even made it to part 2. But on the island, Edwin showed Cole a stick. He said the right end was his happiness and the left was his anger. But what do you do when you only see the left end?                                                                                                                                    What I try to do when I only feel anger is I sometimes try to distract myself, by doing something else, or I might want to be alone for a little bit. It lets me think about what I have been doing and what I should have done. Edwin also asked Cole to break off the left end of the stick. So he broke it, but there still was a left end. He kept breaking it, but there always is a left end. I think that this is supposed to tell you that you can’t get rid of your anger, but you can choose not to focus on it.

Cole’s Banishment

We have been reading Touching Spirit Bear and the main character,Cole has been banished to a remote island and i will be writing about how it was a good idea.

I think it was a good idea because after Cole got mauled by a bear he changed and became more of a positive thinker like at pg.110 Cole said “if i like the cake maybe the ingredients are okay too” and that’s why i think that it was a good idea that they banished Cole.

i think it was a good and a bad idea to banish cole an island

from the book ”touching spirit bear”


I think banishing Cole to an island by himself was a bad idea because Cole has a bad reputation and that he was going to do something stupid life try to escape or burn all his materials.i also think it was a bad idea to banishing he to a island because he just gets so mad that maybe if he got so mad he might kill himself or he might drown trying to escape. I do think it was a good idea to banish Cole to island by himself because they thought that Cole wanted to change because that’s what he said.that’s why i think it has a good and bad idea to send  Cole Matthews to an island by himself what do you think?

Why is banishing Cole(the main character) a good idea?


-I think banishing Cole was a good idea, because when he saw the spirit bear he tried to kill it.

-And he spoke when he din’t have the white feather.

-He lied about trusting and joining the circle justice about healing.

-He also burned the sack on the island with all the supplies in it.

-He tired escaping the island but instead the waves pushed him back to the island , and that’s when he saw the spirit bear.

-Cole hit Peter hard, until Peter was seriously injured.

-Cole and Peter met at the hearing justice because Cole beat Peter.

-Cole did’t even try to be good, instead he keeps on trying to escape.

Banishment is better than a jail cell, and it doesn’t bring any good. letting Cole into nature and letting him be by himself  is a better way of letting him learn. His dad and mom don’t really care about him so thats why he is acting like a not trained person. He has actually punched peter before.

And Garvey had always told him that:”what you do to the animals, you do to yourself,remember that”.Cole always thought that was crazy and he did’t get what Garvey meant.But maybe  until he and the spirit bear had attacked, he might learn a lesson.