Recipe to a great relationship








-Standing up/being supportive

-Being truthful









-Be honest and treat your friend kindly (but not the king kindly)

-Respect your friend and help them when they need it

-Be loyal to them and if they need something, help them out (again, don’t treat them like a king)

-Stand up for them and if they need you, don’t back out

If you follow these rules, then you should get a positive relationship; however, there is no such thing as the perfect relationship, and everyone’s story is different. this strategy may be effective most of the time but definitely not all the time.

1 thought on “Recipe to a great relationship

  1. Buen! Mucho gusto, amigo! This blog is good. I’ve enjoyed the relishing relationship recipe! Hopefully I can eat it… now can I?

    Will this work with people? Have you ever tried? If you’ve tried it, how does it taste and does the recipe work?


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