
April 6, 2019

A cinquain (pronounced “sin-cane) is a type of poem. Before writing a cinquain, there are some things you need to know…

1.) Each line has it’s own number of syllables.

Line 1: 2 syllables

Line 2: 4 syllables

Line 3: 6 syllables

Line 4: 8 syllables

Line 5: 2 syllables

2.) You don’t have to rhyme, but you can if you want to.


These are 3 of my favorite cinquains that I wrote:




                Writing is fun

               Educational too

Write on paper, write on the wall

                     Go write




                              We are on pointĂ©

                            Listen to the music

                      Aerials, relevĂ©, and splits

                                  Just dance





          All pink and bright

            A sugary delight 

Chew it all day, chew it all night



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