International Women’s Day

March 8, 2019

Today is International Women’s Day. Every morning, my teacher us a sentence starter for morning circle.

Today’s starter was “On International Women’s Day…” There were lots of interesting ideas, but there was one that stood out to me, “On International Women’s Day we have to be nice to women.”

That brought a couple thoughts to my mind such as:

~That person made it sound like we have to be nice to women, as if it’s some sort of punishment.

~We should only be nice to women on a particular day?

But when I think about Women’s Day, I think about all the women that have changed the world, women who are important to me, etc.

So I leave you with some examples of important women who have changed the world:

Malala Yousafzai- Fought for girls education and women’s rights

Florence Nightingale- First female war-hero nurse

Rosa Parks- Refused to give up her seat to a white person

Michelle Obama- Fought for girls education and women’s rights

Joan of Arc- Martyr and military leader

Isabella of Castile- The queen of Castile in the 15th century.

Bessie Coleman- Civil aviator

Joan Robinson- Economist

Dowager Empress CIXI of china

Let me know some important woman to you!


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