Have a fantastic summer. Stay safe and healthy. Keep a song in your heart and see you in September!
June Week 3 – Time to Play!
Div. 17 & 18
Play a drum kit – https://www.virtualdrumming.com/drums/online-virtual-games/online-virtual-games-drums.html
Div. 10-16
Explore Chrome Music Lab Songmaker – https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/.
- Create your own song by clicking notes into the grid. Make colorful patterns and pictures.
- Fill in a percussion part by clicking on the lowest 2 spacds. You will see dots and triangles.
- Choose your instrument sounds. You can also change the tempo.
- I would love to hear your compositions!
- Click Save.
- On the next screen, click Copy Link
- Send the link to Ms. Lui: Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
Div. 1-9
Create catchy music in Sampulator: http://sampulator.com/
Make and record beats using your keyboard. Each key plays a different sound or instrument. You can record another track and overdub it on an existing track. If you turn on the metronome, you can move your sounds if they weren’t recorded accurately and snap them into the correct place.
You can save your file if you have a Twitter account, but most of you are not old enough to have one! I would love to hear your music. You can either:
- Use your computer to record your music and e-mail it to me: Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
- take a screenshot and paste it in your e-mail to me.
Enjoy being creative!
June Week 2
Div. 17 & 18
- Listen to a music story – Never Play Music Right Next to the Zoo by John Lithgo:
2. Do you sometimes feel wiggly? Dance along to Koo Koo Kangaroo’s Wiggle It.
Div. 10 – 16
Create a melody in Melody Maker: https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Melody-Maker/. Click on rectangles to:
- Compose a melody that moves by steps. For example, here is my song, Trying to Get Up:
Here is Falling Snow:
2. Compose a melody that moves by skips and leaps. I call this song, Climbing Up a Ladder.
3. Make a horizontal line. All boxes need to be the same colour.
Set the tempo to the slowest setting.
- Click on the play button.
- Sing Row, Row, Row, Your Boat or Frère Jacques (Are You Sleeping?) at the same time.
4. Enjoy creating your own melodies! Give your song a title. Take a screenshot and paste it in your e-mail to me: Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
Div. 1-9
Learn about Wassily Kadinsky, a painter who compared painting to music making. He had synesthesia, a joined perception, in which one sense is perceived by another sense at the same time. People with synesthesia see, smell, taste, touch, and hear in unique ways. Kadinsky could hear sounds and music when he saw colours.
- Watch one of these video:
- The Noisy Paint Box
- 10 Amazing Facts About Wassily Kadinsky – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaviUsz2r9M
- Wassily Kandinsky: 6 Minute Art History Video
- Play with Chrome Music Lab – Kadinsky: https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Kandinsky/
- Draw different shapes and play it back. What shape makes a percussive sound?
- Vertical placement of lines change the pitch. Try playing different notes at the same time.
- Draw lines and pictures and listen to your piece.
- Take a screenshot and paste it in your e-mail to me: Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
June Week 1
Many students have been submitting amazing work. Take a look their work by clicking on the Student Work 🙂 tab.
Div. 17 & 18
- Listen to a music story – This Jazz Man
2. Do you like pancakes? My family tradition is to have pancakes for Sunday breakfast. Get up and move to I Like Pancakes!
Div. 10 – 16
We will continue exploring some digital music. Last week, we played with Typatone. This week, we will play with Typedrummmer: http://typedrummer.com/
- What’s your favourite animal? Type:
- the first letter and listen.
- the rest of the letters.
- one letter on each line.
- Type “Hello” then add a comma. What does the comma do to the sound?
- Type a sentence.
- What is one activity you like to do in your spare time?
- Click on Share This Beat
- Send the URL to Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
Div. 1-9
Create a melody in Isle of Tune:
- Go to Isle of Tune: https://isleoftune.com/. If this link doesn’t work, type the URL in the search bar. Click PLAY.
- Place 4-8 squares of the road.
- Place some flowers and/or trees on that road. Click on these to change the sound. This short melody is called the theme.
- Make a long road. It can turn, of course.
- Copy the theme (the pattern of flowers and/or trees):
- at the end
- at least 1 more time in the middle of the road
- at the end
- Between the themes, add any notes (flowers and trees) and any sound effects (houses, streetlights) you like.
- Put a car at the beginning of a pattern and listen to your song. Do you hear your theme at least 3 times?
FYI musical notes:
- The musical form of your piece is a rondo, where the theme appears 3 times.
- When the car turns around and plays the themes backwards, that is called retrograde.
7. Click on SHARE and the mail icon. Save and send the link to Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
- At any time, you can save and continue working on this at a later time by clicking on SAVE/LOAD
Enjoy building your musical town!
Here is my song, Hi Rondo: http://isleoftune.com/?id=1238538
May Week 4
Many students have been submitting amazing work. Take a look their work by clicking on the Student Work 🙂 tab.
Div. 17 & 18
Zoom Music Classes – Tues. May 26: Bring a stuffy to class!
- Div. 17 – 10:30am
Meeting ID: 957 6764 9798
Password: same as last week
- Div. 18 – 11am
Meeting ID: 948 6744 1278
Password: same as last week
Get up and move around!
Div. 10 – 16
- We will explore some digital music. Turn text into music by playing Typatone (https://typatone.com/). Try:
- Type your name.
- Type your name 3 times. What happens to the melody?
- Type your name forwards and backwards. What happens to the melody?
- Change the instrument by clicking on the note button. Listen with headphones for an interesting sound effect.
- Let me know what you think of Typatone on this form: https://forms.gle/snYNnTcVNpLL7K7t8
Div. 14 Zoom Music Class – Tues. May 26 @ 10am
Meeting ID: 946 6799 8321
Password: will be e-mailed to you
Div. 1-9
Create your own island of music:
- Go to Isle of Tune: https://isleoftune.com/. If this link doesn’t work, type the URL in the search bar. Click PLAY.
- Create a street layout, then add cars, street lights, trees, etc. You can select specific sounds and notes.
- Explore the options in TONE and LOOPS.
- Name your island.
- At any time, you can save and continue working on this at a later time by clicking on SAVE/LOAD
- Click on SHARE and the mail icon. Save and send the link to Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
Enjoy building your musical town!
Here is my song, Visually Impaired Rodents Driving Electric Cars: http://isleoftune.com/?id=1236035
Listen to these songs made on Isle of Tune:
- Muffin Song – http://isleoftune.com/?id=1232428
- Beat It! – http://isleoftune.com/?id=819
May Week 3
Many students have been submitting amazing work. Take a look their work by clicking on the Student Work 🙂 tab.
Div. 17 & 18
- Do you notice the beautiful flowers and gardens when you take a walk? Watch The Garden Song Can you sing along with the chorus?
- Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch, row by row
Someone bless these seeds I sow
Someone warm them from below
’Til the rain comes tumbling down
- Inch by inch, row by row
- I love spring – the pretty plants and flowers, and animals like birds, bees, ladybugs, butterflies, and frogs. Can you move like these animals as you listen and sing Spring is Here?
Div. 14, 15, 16
- Listen to a musical story about Because by Mo Willems:
- Practise the xylophone and metallophone:
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on Xylophone or Metallophone
- Learn to play Frère Jacques – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZQAnSrIzvY&list=PLQadz4_Sz9ChxxRz1U5Sn3ZsMHDgw1Xfx&index=12 on the xylophone or metallophone.
Div. 10, 11, 12, & 13
- Watch One Man Band by Pixar:
- A one-man band is a person who plays several instruments at the same time using their hands, feet, and other contraptions. It does not have to be a man. Any person can be a one-person band.
2. Be your own 1-person band when you play this game: https://www.brainpop.com/games/onemanband/
3. If you were a 1-person band, what instruments would you play?
4. Watch another one-person ensemble:
- High school student plays all the instruments in a concert band: Gustav Holst’s Second Suite in F
- One person plays the entire orchestra – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abnG3bzzCD0
- Bert in Mary Poppins
Div. 1-9
There are 12 more music experiments to explore in Chrome Music Lab. In Voice Spinner, you explore how frequency affects pitch. Click on the microphone to record melodies, words, and other sounds.
- Drag the slider to the left and right. You can also click and rotate the sound waves. What do you notice about the sound?
- Where on the line is the pitch the lowest?
- The farther you move the slider right or left, the faster the spinner moves. What happens when the sound spins quickly? Slowly?
- Answer the questions in the Voice Spinner form: https://forms.gle/42NLGofvUHNrcbK56
May Week 2
Div. 17 & 18
Practise the xylophone and metallophone!
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on Xylophone.
- Play C D E F G on the xylophone and metallophone.
- Which instrument do you like more?
- Can you play your own song?
Zoom music classes on Tues., May 19
- 16 @ 10:00am; meeting ID: 958 4844 6164 password: same as last week
- 17 @ 10:30am; meeting ID: 957 6764 9798 password: same as last week
- 18 @ 11am; meeting ID: 948 6744 1278 password: same as last week
Div. 14, 15, 16
- Practise the xylophone and metallophone:
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on Xylophone.
- Play C D E F G on the xylophone and metallophone. Which instrument do you like more?
- Learn to play Baby Shark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5XmpPv-FHc on the xylophone or metallophone.
- Use this form to let me know which instrument you liked and if you found the video helpful: https://forms.gle/2vhxk5FjZvyFNCS27
Div. 10, 11, 12, & 13
- Here is a new word for you: TIMBRE. Timbre is the quality of a sound. It makes two instruments or voices sound different even if they play the same note. Do you know the sounds of the orchestral instruments? Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on What Instrument Do You Hear?
- Play the game
- Let me know what you thought of the game by clicking on this form: https://forms.gle/HU5BLGhtaT8B9Rqt7
- Watch an orchestra play Ode to Joy:
Div. 1-9
This week, we will explore Chrome Music Lab Songmaker.
- OPEN Chrome Music Lab Song Maker: https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/
- MAKE THE SONG – Choose 1 of the following:
- Create your own song by clicking notes into the grid. Make colorful patterns and pictures.
If you want something more challenging instead . . .
- Fill in the blanks to Frère Jacques (Are You Sleeping) https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/song/6528202156539904 or Ode to Joy https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/song/5490075946188800
- Follow a Chrome Music Lab video to create a song (or a part of a song) like 7 Nation Army or Happier (Marshmello)
- Arrange any song or piece of your choice
- Compose your own song
- Timbre (instrument sounds like marimba, piano, woodwinds, strings, synth, conga, electronic, blocks, kit) and tempo (fast, moderate, slow)
- Click on Settings to add bars, change the time signature or key, increase the range, etc.
5. DONE?
- Click Save.
- On the next screen, click Copy Link, and then send the link to Ms. Lui: Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca Include the title of your song!
For Those Who Love to Sing . . .
Inside Voices Project – On May 13, CBC Music and CBC Kids will post children’s karaoke versions of the song on social media using the hashtags #CBCMusicclass and #cbckids. CBC will showcase some of the most fun videos!
May Week 1
Div. 17 & 18
- Play a music game to practice reading rhythms:
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Play the Loud Quiet game. High Low and Fast Slow games.
- Zoom music class on Tues., May 5 & 12:
- Div. 17 @ 10:30am;
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/96218953790?pwd=UDV3N1VVMGlreHkrcCttRmN5aDZHQT09Meeting ID: 962 1895 3790
Password: same as last week
Div. 18 @ 11am: Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/97789591815?pwd=OGJQMmVUWDl5YTFQeTZkTVYzMWg3Zz09Meeting ID: 977 8959 1815
Password: same as last week
Div. 14, 15, 16
Play a music game to practice reading rhythms:
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Play the Beat or Rhythm and Up & Down games.
- Zoom music class on Tues., May 5 & 12:
- Div. 16 @ 10:00am;
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/94620639711?pwd=bXowS1BFT094Qkh0K1lLSW4rbkFLQT09Meeting ID: 946 2063 9711
Password: same as last week
Div. 10, 11, 12, & 13
- Learn about the orchestra on MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on Instruments of the Orchestra
- What is your favourite instrument?
- Remember the piece we listened to last week? Here is the painting that inspired Modest Mussorgsky to write the music:
from: http://jeannettefang.com/on-the-artwork-that-inspired-mussorgskys-pictures-at-an-exhibition-part-2/
- Watch and listen to an orchestra play Mussorgsky’s Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks:
* There are very strong singers in these classes. For those who love to sing, check out the CBC Inside Voices Project. Details are below.
Div. 1-9
Since today is Monday, May 4, Happy Star Wars Day!
- Listen to Piano Guys – Cello Wars (Star Wars Parody) Lightsaber Duel
This week in our exploration of digital music, we will work with Chrome Music Lab Songmaker.
2. Go to https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/song/4895194731249664
- Fill in a percussion part by clicking on the dots.
- Choose your instrument sounds. You can also change the tempo. \Done? Click Save. On the next screen, click Copy Link, and then send the link to Ms. Lui: Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
Want a challenge?
- Go to https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/song/6387954973933568
- There are missing notes! Fill in the rest of the main theme melody. You can continue the melody if you like.
- Fill in a percussion part by clicking on the dots. Choose the instrument playback sounds. You can even record your singing over it.
- Done? Click Save. On the next screen, click Copy Link, and then send the link to Ms. Lui: Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
For Those Who Love to Sing . . .
Check out the Inside Voices Project – sponsored by CBC Music and CBC Kids
- Watch videos where Jasmine Denham, a professional singing coach trains you to sing
- Record your own karaoke version of Together We are One by Serena Ryder, a singer-songwriter form Toronto. You can sing inEnglish and French.
- Post your karaoke version of the song on social media using the hashtags #CBCMusicclass and #cbckids. CBC will showcase some of the most fun videos.
- Let me know if you will participate in this project! I look forward to hearing your recording!
- Thank you for submitting your videos. The virtual choir projects of A la cart and Hymn to Freedom will be ready soon.
- Burnaby Music Teachers also joined together to raise our voices to celebrate music education on Music Monday: Hymn to Freedom.
April Week 4
Div. 17 & 18
- Play a music game to practice reading rhythms:
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Play the High Low and Fast Slow games.
- Zoom music class on Tues., April 28
- Div. 17 @ 10: 30am – Login from Ms. DeLuca’s blog
- Div. 18 @ 11am – Login from Ms. Quin’s blog
Div. 14, 15, 16
- Play a music game to practice reading rhythms:
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on Which Rhythm Do You Hear
- Play games 1, 2, 3, or 5
- Zoom music class on Tues., April 28: Div. 16 @10am (details were forwarded to parents)
Div. 10, 11, 12, & 13
- It’s springtime! Listen to Mussorgsky’s Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cJSbWtTia4. Draw or write a sentence about what the music made you think or how the music made you feel. Take a picture and send it to me.
There are very strong singers in these classes. For those who love to sing, check out the CBC Inside Voices Project. Details are below.
Div. 1-9
Over the next several weeks, we will explore digital music. This week, turn text into music by playing Typatone (https://typatone.com/). Try:
- Type your name
- Type your name forwards and backwards. What do you notice about the melody?
- Type a sentence or poem.
- Change the instrument by clicking on the note button. Listen with headphones for an interesting sound effect.
Answer 2 questions about this website on the Typatone form.
For Those Who Love to Sing . . .
check out the Inside Voices Project – sponsored by CBC Music and CBC Kids
- Watch videos where Jasmine Denham, a professional singing coach trains you to sing
- Record your own karaoke version of Together We are One by Serena Ryder, a singer-songwriter form Toronto. You can sing inEnglish and French.
- Post your karaoke version of the song on social media using the hashtags #CBCMusicclass and #cbckids. CBC will showcase some of the most fun videos.
- Let me know if you will participate in this project! I look forward to hearing your recording!
- Are you able to participate in the Virtual Choir project? Video yourself singing A la cart or Hymn to Freedom while singing along to the videos on the Choir page.
Although we cannot have meet as a class to make music, we can still continue learning. MusicPlay is a useful online music learning resource (username: snow password: 2020) There are many games, songs, and exercises to try.
April Week 3
Div. 17 & 18
- Before Spring Break, we learned about ta and ti-ti notes. Let’s review these notes by tapping the rhythms on a table or floor as you watch this Rhythm reading video. Each cat is a ta (quarter note) and each kitty is ti-ti (eighth notes).
Div. 14, 15, 16
- Play ta, ti-ti, and ta-a rhythms on a table, the floor, or another object. Be creative! (Other names for these rhythms are quarter, eighth, and half notes.)
- Play the rhythms in “In the Hall of the Mountain King” by Edvard Grieg.
Div. 11, 12, & 13
- Last week, we listened to Franz Joseph Haydn: Father of the Symphony to learn about this great composer’s life and music. Answer questions in this google form.It is absolutely okay for a parent or sibling to help you read the questions and type your answers as long as you tell them what to type.
Div. 10
- Play a music game to practice reading rhythms:
- Go to MusicPlay online (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on Which Rhythm Do You Hear?
- Play game number 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6.
Div. 6, 7, 8, 9
- Listen to Together We are Oneby Serena Ryder, a singer-songwriter form Toronto. Here are music videos of the same song that have footage of the Pan Am Games in English and French.
- Answer questions about this song in the Together We are One form.
- Play the Name that Note game: https://www.richmanmusicschool.com/products/name-that-note Select Treble clef and Beginner level. Challenge yourself by playing the Intermediate or Virtuoso levels.
Div. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Read: Last week, the assignment was to listen to Hymn to Freedomby Oscar Peterson. It is accompanied by a jazz trio – piano, string bass, and drum kit. This song will be sung on May 4thas part of the Music Monday celebration.
- Assignment: a) Read about Oscar Peterson. b) Listen to Hymn to Freedom, paying close attention to the lyrics. c) Complete this Oscar Peterson google form.
- Optional:Listen to a story book about this great musician: Oscar Lives Next Door.
- Click on the Choir page
April Week 2
Div. 17 & 18
- Be a sound detective. Walk around inside your home, and if you are allowed, stand on the balcony, in the front yard and/or backyard. Close your eyes and listen for 3 high sounds and 3 low sounds.
Div. 14 & 15
- Last time, we practised reading ta and ti-ti rhythms as we listened to Franz Joseph Haydn’s Surprise Symphony. Watch Haydn for Kids to learn about this great composer’s life and music.
Div. 11, 12, & 13
- Last time, we practised reading ta and ti-ti rhythms as we listened to Franz Joseph Haydn’s Surprise Symphony. Listen to Franz Joseph Haydn: Father of the Symphony to learn about this great composer’s life and music. What is the most interesting fact you learned about Haydn?
Div. 10
- Last time, we practiced reading ta and ti-ti rhythms. This week, we will practice reading ta-a notes (2 counts or half notes) as well. Clap or tap the rhythms as you listen to In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg.
Div. 6, 7, 8, 9
- There have been many changes to our lives since the beginning of the pandemic. Listen to Changes by the Canadian composer, Alexina Louie.
- Answer questions about this piece in this online form.
Div. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Read:Music Monday is a nationwide celebration of Canadian music education. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the celebration will still take place on May 4th, but from home using creative means. The anthem that all groups will sing is Oscar Peterson’s Hymn to Freedom, with lyrics by Harriette Hamilton.
- Listen to Hymn to Freedom and answer the questions in the Hymn to Freedom online form.
- Click on the Choir page
Week 1
- Let’s get moving! Go to MusicPlay, click on the Kindergarten tab and then on song #55 Put the Beat in Your Feet and Turn Around.
- Do you remember how to sign the alphabet? Follow along with the ABC You Later video.
Grades 1-3
- Let’s review reading ta and ti-ti rhythms.
- Do you like surprises? I do! In his Surprise Symphony, Haydn surprises the audience with a loud chord. Clap or tap the rhythms as you listen to Haydn’s Surprise Symphony.
- Musical Fact: Franz Joseph Haydn was an Austrian composer who wrote 106 symphonies. That’s a lot of pieces for orchestra!
Grades 4 & 5
- If we were able to go the music room, we would be playing our recorders. We can review note reading by playing a Note Name Memory Game on MusicPlay.
- Review the fingerings for notes with an Interactive Fingering Chart.
Grades 6 & 7
- Play a Note Name Memory Game on MusicPlay to review note reading.
- Listen to a performance of Lord of the Rings – Concerning Hobbits on alto recorder.
- Watch a one-person band perform Gustav Holst’s Second Suite in F.
- What’s your favourite animal? Type:
- the first letter and listen.
- the rest of the letters.
- one letter on each line.
- Type “Hello” then add a comma. What does the comma do to the sound?
- Type a sentence.
- What is one activity you like to do in your spare time?
- Click on Share This Beat
- Send the URL to Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
Div. 1-9
Create a melody in Isle of Tune:
- Go to Isle of Tune: https://isleoftune.com/. If this link doesn’t work, type the URL in the search bar. Click PLAY.
- Place 4-8 squares of the road.
- Place some flowers and/or trees on that road. Click on these to change the sound. This short melody is called the
- Make a long road. It can turn, of course.
- Copy the theme (the pattern of flowers and/or trees):
- at the end
- at least 1 more time in the middle of the road
- Between the themes, add any notes (flowers and trees) and any sound effects (houses, streetlights) you like.
- Put a car at the beginning of a pattern and listen to your song. Do you hear your theme at least 3 times?
FYI notes:
- The musical form of your piece is a rondo, where the theme appears 3 times.
- When the car turns around and plays the themes backwards, that is called retrograde.
- Click on SHARE and the mail icon. Save and send the link to Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
- At any time, you can save and continue working on this at a later time by clicking on SAVE/LOAD
Enjoy building your musical town!
Here is my song, Hi Rondo: http://isleoftune.com/?id=1238538
May Week 4
Many students have been submitting amazing work. Take a look their work by clicking on the Student Work 🙂 tab.
Div. 17 & 18
Zoom Music Classes – Tues. May 26: Bring a stuffy to class!
- Div. 17 – 10:30am
Meeting ID: 957 6764 9798
Password: same as last week
- Div. 18 – 11am
Meeting ID: 948 6744 1278
Password: same as last week
Get up and move around!
Div. 10 – 16
- We will explore some digital music. Turn text into music by playing Typatone (https://typatone.com/). Try:
- Type your name.
- Type your name 3 times. What happens to the melody?
- Type your name forwards and backwards. What happens to the melody?
- Change the instrument by clicking on the note button. Listen with headphones for an interesting sound effect.
- Let me know what you think of Typatone on this form: https://forms.gle/snYNnTcVNpLL7K7t8
Div. 14 Zoom Music Class – Tues. May 26 @ 10am
Meeting ID: 946 6799 8321
Password: will be e-mailed to you
Div. 1-9
Create your own island of music:
- Go to Isle of Tune: https://isleoftune.com/. If this link doesn’t work, type the URL in the search bar. Click PLAY.
- Create a street layout, then add cars, street lights, trees, etc. You can select specific sounds and notes.
- Explore the options in TONE and LOOPS.
- Name your island.
- At any time, you can save and continue working on this at a later time by clicking on SAVE/LOAD
- Click on SHARE and the mail icon. Save and send the link to Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
Enjoy building your musical town!
Here is my song, Visually Impaired Rodents Driving Electric Cars: http://isleoftune.com/?id=1236035
Listen to these songs made on Isle of Tune:
- Muffin Song – http://isleoftune.com/?id=1232428
- Beat It! – http://isleoftune.com/?id=819
May Week 3
Many students have been submitting amazing work. Take a look their work by clicking on the Student Work 🙂 tab.
Div. 17 & 18
- Do you notice the beautiful flowers and gardens when you take a walk? Watch The Garden Song Can you sing along with the chorus?
- Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch, row by row
Someone bless these seeds I sow
Someone warm them from below
’Til the rain comes tumbling down
- Inch by inch, row by row
- I love spring – the pretty plants and flowers, and animals like birds, bees, ladybugs, butterflies, and frogs. Can you move like these animals as you listen and sing Spring is Here?
Div. 14, 15, 16
- Listen to a musical story about Because by Mo Willems:
- Practise the xylophone and metallophone:
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on Xylophone or Metallophone
- Learn to play Frère Jacques – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZQAnSrIzvY&list=PLQadz4_Sz9ChxxRz1U5Sn3ZsMHDgw1Xfx&index=12 on the xylophone or metallophone.
Div. 10, 11, 12, & 13
- Watch One Man Band by Pixar:
- A one-man band is a person who plays several instruments at the same time using their hands, feet, and other contraptions. It does not have to be a man. Any person can be a one-person band.
2. Be your own 1-person band when you play this game: https://www.brainpop.com/games/onemanband/
3. If you were a 1-person band, what instruments would you play?
4. Watch another one-person ensemble:
- High school student plays all the instruments in a concert band: Gustav Holst’s Second Suite in F
- One person plays the entire orchestra – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abnG3bzzCD0
- Bert in Mary Poppins
Div. 1-9
There are 12 more music experiments to explore in Chrome Music Lab. In Voice Spinner, you explore how frequency affects pitch. Click on the microphone to record melodies, words, and other sounds.
- Drag the slider to the left and right. You can also click and rotate the sound waves. What do you notice about the sound?
- Where on the line is the pitch the lowest?
- The farther you move the slider right or left, the faster the spinner moves. What happens when the sound spins quickly? Slowly?
- Answer the questions in the Voice Spinner form: https://forms.gle/42NLGofvUHNrcbK56
May Week 2
Div. 17 & 18
Practise the xylophone and metallophone!
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on Xylophone.
- Play C D E F G on the xylophone and metallophone.
- Which instrument do you like more?
- Can you play your own song?
Zoom music classes on Tues., May 19
- 16 @ 10:00am; meeting ID: 958 4844 6164 password: same as last week
- 17 @ 10:30am; meeting ID: 957 6764 9798 password: same as last week
- 18 @ 11am; meeting ID: 948 6744 1278 password: same as last week
Div. 14, 15, 16
- Practise the xylophone and metallophone:
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on Xylophone.
- Play C D E F G on the xylophone and metallophone. Which instrument do you like more?
- Learn to play Baby Shark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5XmpPv-FHc on the xylophone or metallophone.
- Use this form to let me know which instrument you liked and if you found the video helpful: https://forms.gle/2vhxk5FjZvyFNCS27
Div. 10, 11, 12, & 13
- Here is a new word for you: TIMBRE. Timbre is the quality of a sound. It makes two instruments or voices sound different even if they play the same note. Do you know the sounds of the orchestral instruments? Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on What Instrument Do You Hear?
- Play the game
- Let me know what you thought of the game by clicking on this form: https://forms.gle/HU5BLGhtaT8B9Rqt7
- Watch an orchestra play Ode to Joy:
Div. 1-9
This week, we will explore Chrome Music Lab Songmaker.
- OPEN Chrome Music Lab Song Maker: https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/
- MAKE THE SONG – Choose 1 of the following:
- Create your own song by clicking notes into the grid. Make colorful patterns and pictures.
If you want something more challenging instead . . .
- Fill in the blanks to Frère Jacques (Are You Sleeping) https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/song/6528202156539904 or Ode to Joy https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/song/5490075946188800
- Follow a Chrome Music Lab video to create a song (or a part of a song) like 7 Nation Army or Happier (Marshmello)
- Arrange any song or piece of your choice
- Compose your own song
- Timbre (instrument sounds like marimba, piano, woodwinds, strings, synth, conga, electronic, blocks, kit) and tempo (fast, moderate, slow)
- Click on Settings to add bars, change the time signature or key, increase the range, etc.
5. DONE?
- Click Save.
- On the next screen, click Copy Link, and then send the link to Ms. Lui: Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca Include the title of your song!
For Those Who Love to Sing . . .
Inside Voices Project – On May 13, CBC Music and CBC Kids will post children’s karaoke versions of the song on social media using the hashtags #CBCMusicclass and #cbckids. CBC will showcase some of the most fun videos!
May Week 1
Div. 17 & 18
- Play a music game to practice reading rhythms:
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Play the Loud Quiet game. High Low and Fast Slow games.
- Zoom music class on Tues., May 5 & 12:
- Div. 17 @ 10:30am;
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/96218953790?pwd=UDV3N1VVMGlreHkrcCttRmN5aDZHQT09Meeting ID: 962 1895 3790
Password: same as last week
Div. 18 @ 11am: Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/97789591815?pwd=OGJQMmVUWDl5YTFQeTZkTVYzMWg3Zz09Meeting ID: 977 8959 1815
Password: same as last week
Div. 14, 15, 16
Play a music game to practice reading rhythms:
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Play the Beat or Rhythm and Up & Down games.
- Zoom music class on Tues., May 5 & 12:
- Div. 16 @ 10:00am;
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/94620639711?pwd=bXowS1BFT094Qkh0K1lLSW4rbkFLQT09Meeting ID: 946 2063 9711
Password: same as last week
Div. 10, 11, 12, & 13
- Learn about the orchestra on MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on Instruments of the Orchestra
- What is your favourite instrument?
- Remember the piece we listened to last week? Here is the painting that inspired Modest Mussorgsky to write the music:
from: http://jeannettefang.com/on-the-artwork-that-inspired-mussorgskys-pictures-at-an-exhibition-part-2/
- Watch and listen to an orchestra play Mussorgsky’s Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks:
* There are very strong singers in these classes. For those who love to sing, check out the CBC Inside Voices Project. Details are below.
Div. 1-9
Since today is Monday, May 4, Happy Star Wars Day!
- Listen to Piano Guys – Cello Wars (Star Wars Parody) Lightsaber Duel
This week in our exploration of digital music, we will work with Chrome Music Lab Songmaker.
2. Go to https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/song/4895194731249664
- Fill in a percussion part by clicking on the dots.
- Choose your instrument sounds. You can also change the tempo. \Done? Click Save. On the next screen, click Copy Link, and then send the link to Ms. Lui: Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
Want a challenge?
- Go to https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/song/6387954973933568
- There are missing notes! Fill in the rest of the main theme melody. You can continue the melody if you like.
- Fill in a percussion part by clicking on the dots. Choose the instrument playback sounds. You can even record your singing over it.
- Done? Click Save. On the next screen, click Copy Link, and then send the link to Ms. Lui: Theresa.Lui@burnabyschools.ca
For Those Who Love to Sing . . .
Check out the Inside Voices Project – sponsored by CBC Music and CBC Kids
- Watch videos where Jasmine Denham, a professional singing coach trains you to sing
- Record your own karaoke version of Together We are One by Serena Ryder, a singer-songwriter form Toronto. You can sing inEnglish and French.
- Post your karaoke version of the song on social media using the hashtags #CBCMusicclass and #cbckids. CBC will showcase some of the most fun videos.
- Let me know if you will participate in this project! I look forward to hearing your recording!
- Thank you for submitting your videos. The virtual choir projects of A la cart and Hymn to Freedom will be ready soon.
- Burnaby Music Teachers also joined together to raise our voices to celebrate music education on Music Monday: Hymn to Freedom.
April Week 4
Div. 17 & 18
- Play a music game to practice reading rhythms:
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Play the High Low and Fast Slow games.
- Zoom music class on Tues., April 28
- Div. 17 @ 10: 30am – Login from Ms. DeLuca’s blog
- Div. 18 @ 11am – Login from Ms. Quin’s blog
Div. 14, 15, 16
- Play a music game to practice reading rhythms:
- Go to MusicPlay online. (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on Which Rhythm Do You Hear
- Play games 1, 2, 3, or 5
- Zoom music class on Tues., April 28: Div. 16 @10am (details were forwarded to parents)
Div. 10, 11, 12, & 13
- It’s springtime! Listen to Mussorgsky’s Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cJSbWtTia4. Draw or write a sentence about what the music made you think or how the music made you feel. Take a picture and send it to me.
There are very strong singers in these classes. For those who love to sing, check out the CBC Inside Voices Project. Details are below.
Div. 1-9
Over the next several weeks, we will explore digital music. This week, turn text into music by playing Typatone (https://typatone.com/). Try:
- Type your name
- Type your name forwards and backwards. What do you notice about the melody?
- Type a sentence or poem.
- Change the instrument by clicking on the note button. Listen with headphones for an interesting sound effect.
Answer 2 questions about this website on the Typatone form.
For Those Who Love to Sing . . .
check out the Inside Voices Project – sponsored by CBC Music and CBC Kids
- Watch videos where Jasmine Denham, a professional singing coach trains you to sing
- Record your own karaoke version of Together We are One by Serena Ryder, a singer-songwriter form Toronto. You can sing inEnglish and French.
- Post your karaoke version of the song on social media using the hashtags #CBCMusicclass and #cbckids. CBC will showcase some of the most fun videos.
- Let me know if you will participate in this project! I look forward to hearing your recording!
- Are you able to participate in the Virtual Choir project? Video yourself singing A la cart or Hymn to Freedom while singing along to the videos on the Choir page.
Although we cannot have meet as a class to make music, we can still continue learning. MusicPlay is a useful online music learning resource (username: snow password: 2020) There are many games, songs, and exercises to try.
April Week 3
Div. 17 & 18
- Before Spring Break, we learned about ta and ti-ti notes. Let’s review these notes by tapping the rhythms on a table or floor as you watch this Rhythm reading video. Each cat is a ta (quarter note) and each kitty is ti-ti (eighth notes).
Div. 14, 15, 16
- Play ta, ti-ti, and ta-a rhythms on a table, the floor, or another object. Be creative! (Other names for these rhythms are quarter, eighth, and half notes.)
- Play the rhythms in “In the Hall of the Mountain King” by Edvard Grieg.
Div. 11, 12, & 13
- Last week, we listened to Franz Joseph Haydn: Father of the Symphony to learn about this great composer’s life and music. Answer questions in this google form.It is absolutely okay for a parent or sibling to help you read the questions and type your answers as long as you tell them what to type.
Div. 10
- Play a music game to practice reading rhythms:
- Go to MusicPlay online (Username: snow, password: 2020)
- Click on Which Rhythm Do You Hear?
- Play game number 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6.
Div. 6, 7, 8, 9
- Listen to Together We are Oneby Serena Ryder, a singer-songwriter form Toronto. Here are music videos of the same song that have footage of the Pan Am Games in English and French.
- Answer questions about this song in the Together We are One form.
- Play the Name that Note game: https://www.richmanmusicschool.com/products/name-that-note Select Treble clef and Beginner level. Challenge yourself by playing the Intermediate or Virtuoso levels.
Div. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Read: Last week, the assignment was to listen to Hymn to Freedomby Oscar Peterson. It is accompanied by a jazz trio – piano, string bass, and drum kit. This song will be sung on May 4thas part of the Music Monday celebration.
- Assignment: a) Read about Oscar Peterson. b) Listen to Hymn to Freedom, paying close attention to the lyrics. c) Complete this Oscar Peterson google form.
- Optional:Listen to a story book about this great musician: Oscar Lives Next Door.
- Click on the Choir page
April Week 2
Div. 17 & 18
- Be a sound detective. Walk around inside your home, and if you are allowed, stand on the balcony, in the front yard and/or backyard. Close your eyes and listen for 3 high sounds and 3 low sounds.
Div. 14 & 15
- Last time, we practised reading ta and ti-ti rhythms as we listened to Franz Joseph Haydn’s Surprise Symphony. Watch Haydn for Kids to learn about this great composer’s life and music.
Div. 11, 12, & 13
- Last time, we practised reading ta and ti-ti rhythms as we listened to Franz Joseph Haydn’s Surprise Symphony. Listen to Franz Joseph Haydn: Father of the Symphony to learn about this great composer’s life and music. What is the most interesting fact you learned about Haydn?
Div. 10
- Last time, we practiced reading ta and ti-ti rhythms. This week, we will practice reading ta-a notes (2 counts or half notes) as well. Clap or tap the rhythms as you listen to In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg.
Div. 6, 7, 8, 9
- There have been many changes to our lives since the beginning of the pandemic. Listen to Changes by the Canadian composer, Alexina Louie.
- Answer questions about this piece in this online form.
Div. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Read:Music Monday is a nationwide celebration of Canadian music education. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the celebration will still take place on May 4th, but from home using creative means. The anthem that all groups will sing is Oscar Peterson’s Hymn to Freedom, with lyrics by Harriette Hamilton.
- Listen to Hymn to Freedom and answer the questions in the Hymn to Freedom online form.
- Click on the Choir page
Week 1
- Let’s get moving! Go to MusicPlay, click on the Kindergarten tab and then on song #55 Put the Beat in Your Feet and Turn Around.
- Do you remember how to sign the alphabet? Follow along with the ABC You Later video.
Grades 1-3
- Let’s review reading ta and ti-ti rhythms.
- Do you like surprises? I do! In his Surprise Symphony, Haydn surprises the audience with a loud chord. Clap or tap the rhythms as you listen to Haydn’s Surprise Symphony.
- Musical Fact: Franz Joseph Haydn was an Austrian composer who wrote 106 symphonies. That’s a lot of pieces for orchestra!
Grades 4 & 5
- If we were able to go the music room, we would be playing our recorders. We can review note reading by playing a Note Name Memory Game on MusicPlay.
- Review the fingerings for notes with an Interactive Fingering Chart.
Grades 6 & 7
- Play a Note Name Memory Game on MusicPlay to review note reading.
- Listen to a performance of Lord of the Rings – Concerning Hobbits on alto recorder.
- Watch a one-person band perform Gustav Holst’s Second Suite in F.