We Are Dancers!

We have been doing some great dancing in our classroom!  Using the GoNoodle app and the BrightLink® projector in our classroom, generously donated by our PAC a few years ago, we have been including dance/movement in our daily physical activity.  Students were inspired by Mrs. Glavas/Ms. Rudolph’s class who went up to dance at our school assembly. We will be going up as well to challenge the rest of the school!  Here is a short clip of them dancing to their favorite dance song, How Long.

Yoga for Health and Well-Being

For most kids, this was their first exposure to yoga.  Our instructor, Michelle, focused on breathing exercises and a variety of stretches/poses (E.g. cat, cow, warrior).  Yoga helps kids with focus/concentration, and boosts self-esteem.  Learning about proper breathing techniques can help with tackling anxiety.  I also liked that gratitude seems to be another key focus in the practice of yoga.  And of course, the children get to experience play without the worry of making mistakes.

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