Exploring Measurement

We have been measuring objects using non-standard units (e.g. blocks, shapes, paper clips) to help us understand measurement concepts such as length, height and capacity.

Scavenger hunt- We had to find objects that are exactly or to the closest number of hearts.


We compared the lengths of objects and then we ordered them from shortest to longest or longest to shortest.


We Measured things found in nature with our heart rulers.


We measured how wide the trees are with Kindergarten kids!


Math in the Fall was all about exploring with numbers and making patterns using different materials.  These mathematicians were busy counting, comparing, building and writing numbers!

We can count with different objects.


We can count and make numbers with playdoh.


We can match numbers with pictures.


We can count and trace numbers.


We can count, match and write numbers.


We can make patterns with loose parts.


We can make patterns with playdoh


We can make patterns in nature.


Our class has been learning about apples this term! Here are some highlights from our apple exploration.


We used our sense of smell, sight, touch and hearing to explore the apple trees in our park.

“The bug is eating the apple!”

“Ew! The apple smells bad!”

“This one is rotten.”

“The tree is bumpy.”

“I hear something inside!”

“I hear nothing.”


We used our sense of taste to find out which apple is our favourite – red, yellow or green.

“The red one is crunchy and hard.”

“The Green one is very sour!”

“The yellow is really good!”

We found out most people like the red apple! It’s a tie for the green apple and the yellow apple.


We did an experiment to see if the apple will sink or float.  The predictions were 10 for it will sink and 5 for it will float! We were pretty excited to see it float!



Making colour patterns with apples



Making art with yarn

Welcome to Division 12!

We had a wonderful start to the school year!  September was full of school events. In our classroom, we read stories and played games. We are learning how to write our names “the kindergarten way,” starting with an upper case letter followed by lower case letters.  We are learning routines and school procedures, and most importantly, we are having fun!

Measuring A Classmate

We have been measuring some fun things around our classroom and outside in nature! We have been exploring different size units. We used paper clips, erasers, marker lids, crayons, and Lego to measure smaller items such as school supplies and leaves. We used markers, plastic sticks, and even clipboards to measure larger/longer/wider/taller items! Grade one students are learning how to use a ruler with standard units (e.g., centimetres).

Below was a fun lesson where we measured how tall one of our classmates is. We chose many different units!



Connection: Ask your child to show you some of their measurement skills. What are some things around the house that you can measure together? What unit would you use to measure those items?

Fall Leaves

Our Fall inquiry started with many wonders.  We wonder:

“Why do they (leaves) change from green?”

“Do leaves change every season?”

“Why do the leaves fall down?”

“Why do the leaves change colour?”

“How does it get colder?”

“Why are the leaves red?”

On our nature walk we explored around Parkcrest Park and looked for different kinds of leaves.  We sorted them into Fall colours (brown, yellow, red, orange) and green and then tried rubbing leaves on paper to see if they leave a colour.  We were pretty amazed to see nature colours on our paper!

We worked as a team and sorted leaves into different sizes- small, medium, big, biggest.

As scientists, we investigated why leaves change colours in the fall. First, we made some guesses.

“The weather is cold.”

“We have less sun.”

“It rains a lot.”

Then, we sorted the fall leaves by colour, ripped the leaves into bits and covered it with rubbing alcohol. We put coffee filters into the leaf and rubbing alcohol mixture and allowed it to sit long enough to absorb the liquid. As the liquid travels up the coffee filter it separates all the colors that were inside the leaf.

We learned that during fall, the days get shorter so the leaves don’t get enough sunlight and the green chlorophyll disappears from the leaves.  As the green fades away, we begin to see yellow, orange, red and/or brown colours. Small amounts of these colors have been in the leaves all along!

Symmetrical drawings of our leaves

Parts of a Leaf

Our Leaf People

The Leaf Man goes where the wind blows…


Our Leaf People flew to a lot of places and saw many things.  Some flew to a pumpkin patch, some went to a forest, one went to a big city, a couple went to a farm and a few flew home.   Please ask your child to tell you their Leaf Man story 🙂

100th Day of School

On Wednesday, we celebrated the 100th day of school!  Each student finger-painted 5 gumballs for our gumball machine.  We saw that 20 students x 5 made 100 gumballs!

Students also painted 100 gumballs on their individual gumball machines.

We did 100 jumps in one day!  We did 25 jumps, four separate times.

We also built our own 100 chart with 100 items!  We made 10 rows of 10 items.

Ask your child to count by 10s to 100!