Uncategorized – Page 8 – Confederation Park – Music! Dance! & Beyond!

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Save the DATES!


Thurs., Dec. 3, 1:30 & 7:00 – Hip Hop Winter Extravaganza, all students K-7, featuring the Intermediate Concert Choir

Thurs., Dec. 10, 1:30 & 7:00 – “Sadako”, the opera, featuring Div. 1-3

Fri., Dec. 11 – Concert Choir sings at Confederation Park Seniors Centre

Mon., Dec. 14 – Concert Choir sings at the Bayshore

Wed., Dec. 16 – Concert Choir sings at Brentwood Mall

Congratulations to all those who participated in today’s Remembrance Day Assembly.  Our students are articulate, thoughtful and insightful.  Their words, their songs, their images are always inspiring.  Thank you!Flanders

Our Dance Club performed a crowd pleasing piece at the Annual District Festival of Dance last night at Burnaby Mountain Secondary School.  It’s always a highlight of my year to work with these dedicated dancers!  DISCO LIVES!

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Congratulations intermediate students on your arts integrated performance of “Framing Spaces”.  You demonstrated your class room learning with thought provoking pieces using drama, dance, song, visual art and technology.  Your words, ideas and new learning came alive on stage!  Bravo!

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Brave Video

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The Confederation Park Staff spread the message of bravery, acceptance and self empowerment with this video.  We had a lot of fun making this video!!  (Can you tell?)

Be Brave from arts4ever on Vimeo.