Uncategorized – Page 7 – Confederation Park – Music! Dance! & Beyond!

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Our residency with Ms. Marian Rose will run Nov. 28 – Dec. 2nd.  In this amazing week, students, teachers and parents will learn some new folk and social dances!  Be sure to come to our BIG EVENING OF COMMUNITY DANCE on DEC. 1st, 6:30 – 8:00.  You will not want to miss it.  Also, DEC. 2nd, 1:15 will be a time when classes will perform some of the dances they have learned throughout the week!

CONCERT CHOIR PEEPS – Please check the CONCERT CHOIR tab in this blog.


Enjoying every minute of The Little Mermaid journey!  Be sure to join us on Thursday, April 21st at 1:00 & 7:00.  The students are amazing!

click The Little Mermaid tab above for more information.

Party at the Park!

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10! 10! 10! 10! 10!

We are celebrating 10 years as an Education Through the Arts School and 50 years as a school.  So much to be proud of and so much to look forward to.  Students will be celebrating with song, dance, reflections and spoken word at our Community Gathering on Monday, Feb. 15th at 1:30 pm.  Please join us if you can.

Also an adult-only event, “Party at the Park”, is Thursday, Feb. 18th at 7:00 in the school gym.  Walk down memory lane and dance through the decades with DJ “Mr. Music”. Enjoy catered finger food, drinks, and entertainment throughout the evening.  Tickets are $15 and can be purchased through the class room or the office.  604-664-8669


Musical melodies!

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I’m enjoying all the new music coming from the music room. Intermediate students are learning to play recorders and ukuleles!  Keep at it everyone!  You’re doing great work!

“SADAKO”, which was written by our own Ms. Windsor-Liscombe, will be coming to the stage this week!  Tuesday night a small group of us will present an excerpt of the opera to the Burnaby School District Trustees.  Finally, we will perform for school, family apin_cranend friends on Thursday at 1:30 & 7:00 pm.  No tickets are needed.

Costume notes:  Div. 2 & 3 students are to wear all black, including black socks! Make sure hair is neat and tidy.  Div. 1 students have been instructed by Mrs. Safarik what to wear.  All students need to arrive 30 minutes prior to show time, unless instructed otherwise.


Congratulations to all our hip hop dancers!  Your hard work certainly paid off at our recent Hip Hop Winter Extravaganza!  A shout out to our wonderful teachers – Sue, Carmella and Mikey!  Also, thank you to Foster, Matthew, Ben, Benjamin, Zoe and Luke for helping out as stage crew!