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Axe Capoeira Residency

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NEW LEARNING!! Over the last two weeks all students explored Brazilian music, dance, history, culture, acrobatics, martial arts and capoeira with an artist-in-residence, “Axe Capoeira”. Thank you to Art Starts and our own PAC for their support with this invaluable learning opportunity.

Proud as PINK!

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Wow! We sure surprised everyone! Bravo for your energetic and inspiring dance at Sunday’s Giant’s game! Acceptance rules!! Can hardly wait to dance it again at our anti-bullying day assembly!

Think pink!

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Return your Pink Project consent form ASAP so I can order your complimentary ticket for the Giants game. Your family can order tickets for the game at a reduced price. Return everything by tomorrow.

What fun we had!

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Congratulations Confederation Park on a successful Christmas Concert! Your singing, dancing and acting we’re superb! Whew! travelling the world in one night was fun! Thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm.

Think PINK!

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Click the “Dance Program” tab above to find the Pink Project Practise Video link.

Hi choir! Please click the tab “Concert Choir” up above to see concert tour dates.
PS. Congratulations on your stunning performance at the Remembrance Day assembly. Your singing was truly beautiful!

The primary students and extra-curricular intermediate choir will be learning about winter celebrations around the world in this year’s Christmas musical. Costume letters are being sent home this week!
Tuesday, December 11th – DRESS Rehearsal
Wednesday, December 12th, 1:30 – Afternoon performance
Wednesday, December 12th, 7:00 – Evening performance