Uncategorized – Page 10 – Confederation Park – Music! Dance! & Beyond!

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Great job today Dance Club!  Loved how it all came back to you.  I will pass on your Dance Festival certificates to your class room teacher next week.  Also, there will be a year end school DVD available for purchase that will include your performance at the District Festival of Dance!

Hey Dance Club!


We will be performing “Nachna” at our community gathering on Wednesday, June 4th.  Please bring your costume to school.  We will find some time to run it once in the morning before we perform.

Division Four students took advantage of today’s beautiful weather and practised their recorders outside.  Such a great way to make music!  Good work today Division Four!  That was fun!

New pics!


Check out the DANCE CLUB page in this blog!  Our dancers know how to have fun!  Congratulations again!  Our MJ/Bhangura remix was a hit!

Dance Club – We perform this Tuesday, May 6th at Burnaby Mountain Secondary School.  Let’s meet by 6:45 in the gym.  Come with your make-up and  hair done.  Wear your costume and bring your pink t-shirt so that you can change into later.  The dance festival letter can be found on the DANCE CLUB page of this blog.

The Jungle Book – the learning continues….check out the Hullabaloo blog for pictures.  More pictures will be added in upcoming weeks. 


Well Confederation Park you did it again!  The official reviews are in….The Jungle Book was an amazing success.  Feel good for all your hard work and dedication!  Each and everyone of you contributed in so many valuable ways and made a difference!  I am so lucky to be here with you!  Enjoy your success because you earned it! 

The Jungle Book



Dancers, check out the DANCE CLUB tab on this blog to download this year’s Dance Festival consent form.  We will be performing two dances, NACHNA & SHOOTING STAR, at this year’s festival.  Our date is Tuesday, May 6th at Burnaby Mountain Secondary school, 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

Paint the Rink Pink!


So much fun today! Congratulations Confederation Park dancers, parents and teachers who came out to help spread our important message of “Acceptance!” Well done!!