Happy Spring! – Confederation Park – Music! Dance! & Beyond!

Happy Spring!

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As we move into Spring, I can’t help but think about the amazing learning opportunities we experienced in term 2.  A few highlights include:

Div. 2 and 3 shared their opera ‘A Letter to Wanda’. This debut performance of the story ‘The Hundred Dresses’ by Eleanor Estes was adapted and written as an opera by Suzanne Windsor-Liscombe.  Our students studied inference, point of view and perspective in Language Arts, along with themes of kindness and compassion. They took their learning to an even deeper level through an infusion of the Arts, particularly the genre of “opera”.  

Through the leadership of our Boomerang Club members, we were able to raise $1107.35.  for the Canuck Place Hospice!  The ‘Boomerangers” look forward to continue their work in cultivating kindness and gratitude within our school community.

We also had the opportunity to host the District Primary Days of Music Festival at our school!  Schools in attendance were Douglas Road, Capitol Hill and Lyndhurst.  It was a glorious morning of joyous singing by these young voices!

All of our students had the opportunity to work with our muralist, Ann Thorsteinsson, where she worked with students to design and create a mural for the outside of our school.  In conversations and then through drawing and painting, students explored the possibilities of Becoming as a theme for inspiration.

I look forward to our another term of new learning including our work with Voices of Nature!  Stay tuned! 

Enjoy a well deserved break everyone and Happy Spring!



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