
It is important that we’re feeling confident with multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers. 

Please watch the videos below if you are looking for additional support with long multiplication. If you are still feeling stuck, I’m available to help during math work periods, after school and before school (if you let me know you’ll be coming). 

Cross-Multiplication of 2 & 3 digit numbers

You can multiply 2 digit and 3 digit numbers in a variety of ways. This strategy is very efficient, but requires careful attention and an understanding of each step. 

Please use the following pictures for your reference:

Now try the following questions:

1) 34 x 68
2) 79 x 26
3) 432 x 956
4) 157 x 520

Is it possible to use the cross multiplication strategy for the following question? If so, how? If not, why?

97 x 145

Language Arts

In December, the students of Division 6 visited their buddies in Division 18. On this visit, their job was to learn about their buddy so that they could use that information to make their buddy the protagonist in a fictional story. 

The process was as follows:

  • Interview buddies
  • Study picture books (form and structure)
  • Brainstorm themes, characters and settings
  • Create 3 possible story arcs
  • Peer feedback session to determine which of the 3 story arcs meet the criteria and are interesting to our peers
  • Work on writing effective introductions
  • Work on developing the story and/or character
  • Work on resolving and concluding our stories
  • Take first drafts of stories to our buddies
  • Use feedback from buddies to refine our stories
  • Final peer assessment
  • Final drafts
  • Take completed stories to buddies so that we can co-create artwork for our picture books.

It’s a long process, but taking the time to listen to and provide feedback, as well as refining our work based on that feedback is an important part of the writing process. 

Needle Felting – ADST

Part of the new Applied Design, Skills and Technology curriculum involves learning to work with textiles. Students learned the art of needle felting in December and applied this learning to make their own ornaments. Please scroll through the gallery below for a glimpse at the wonderful creations by Division 6!

Fun with Math

After we wrapped up our unit on patterns we moved into looking at our number system. We studied multiples, factors, prime and composite numbers. We learned how to identify the lowest common multiple and the greatest common factor and had our first introduction to the order of operations.

Once we had a solid understanding of these skills we moved to decimal numbers. We’ve been working on knowing how to place decimal numbers on a number line, how to move decimals when converting metric measurements and how to perform all four basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) with decimals. 

Research tells us that children learn better when they play. So we try to get in as many math games in as we can to help us reinforce our understanding.

Interactive Drawing

Welcome back! With a lot of projects on the go, the blog has not been updated as frequently as I’d hoped, but now that we have some dedicated time in our week for our journalists, I’m hoping to getting back to posting weekly updates.

In the meantime, I will include a few image galleries of some of the stuff we’ve been up to since the end of November. 

This first album includes the work we did with interactive drawing. Our goal was to use our creativity to turn everyday objects into pieces of art by having them interact with what we’d drawn on the page. The results were fantastic and I think the students really enjoyed exploring this medium.