Greta Thunberg Website Visits

Hello Division 4,

Please choose one of the links below. Your job is to visit the site or watch the video. If you are visiting the site, you should spend some time reading the information, taking notes and forming an opinion on what you’ve read. If you’re watching a video, you should watch it at least twice, pausing to look up any words you may not understand. 

Once you’ve visited the site or completed the video viewing, please come back here and post a one paragraph comment (5-8 sentences) either explaining what you learned, stating your opinion on the content or writing about how the page/video made you feel. 

Remember to practice good digital citizenship and post only school appropriate comments using just your initials. Please use full sentences, proper punctuation and grammar. 

1. Find out more about Greta.

2. Watch Greta Thunberg’s TED Talk.

3. Read Greta’s Speeches. 

4. Visit the United Nations climate change page.

5.  Read about Canada’s actions, climate future, partnerships, adaptation, health, science, emissions reporting, and more.

5. View ‘The Climate Crisis Explained in 10 Charts.’ 

20 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg Website Visits

  1. K.H. says:

    From watching Greta Thunberg’s TED Talk and reading more about her, I learned that Greta has Asperger’s, which is a type of autism, when she was 11 years old. She learned about climate change when she was eight, and thought it was strange how humans could do something as big as change the climate of our earth. And yet, we never payed attention to this issue. Three years later, she was not only diagnosed with Asperger’s, but also with OCD, depression, and selective mutism. But that didn’t stop her from taking action. She skipped classes every Friday to protest outside the Swedish parliament. She showed that she cared about the planet and that not even school was going to stop her.

    • S.G says:

      From watching ted talks Greta Thunberg, I learned that she was only eight when she knew of climate change and it was huge. Because of this she started to recycle paper and to turn off lights to save energy. Also, another big thing she talked of was fossil fuel and why it was burned when it should have been illegal for sure. When she was eleven she fell into depression and did not eat or talk . Of course there is more to learn so, start saving our world from climate change. Thanks

  2. AFS says:

    From watching Greta Thunberg’s TED Talk and reading more about her, I learned that At just 16 years old, Greta Thunberg has started an international youth movement against climate change. The Swedish teenager first staged a “School Strike for Climate” in front of a parliment.At the age of eight she learned about climate canes and its crises ,at that time she had that moment shae wanted to do some thing for the world after a few year she got diagnosed with OCD.But she did not stop ,she still kept going. She skipped classes every Friday to protest outside the parliament, she showed that she cared about EARTH.

  3. R.H. says:

    After reading and watching videos about Greta, I learned that she got very ill at the age of 11 and she fell into depression and a few years later she was diagnosed with OCD and Asperger’s (type of autism). But before that, when she was 8 years old she learned about climate change and thought how weird that us little humans could changes the entire world and cause something like the climate to change. But for some reason, no one ever took their time to look at what we humans are doing to the world. So then last year she skipped classes on Friday so that she could stage a School Strike for Climate in front of the Swedish Parliament in August last year. In conclusion she’s making a great impact on the world.

  4. A.H. says:

    I watched Greta Thunberg’s TED Talks and learned that she was 8 years old when she learned about global warming, so she began turning off lights and recycling paper. When Greta turned 11 years old, she became very ill, and she stopped eating and only talked when its necessary. Later, she found out that she was diagnosed with Asperger, OCD, and selective mutism. But that didn’t stop her from taking action. She started skipping school on Fridays so that she could hold a sign that said, “SchoolStrike4Climate” in front of the Swedish Parliament. Afterwards, people started to notice her, and began joining her protest on Fridays. Greta wonders why people never mention about climate change, and how no one sees how much greenhouse gases are in the air. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. So Greta wanted people and governments to start waking up, to do something about this crisis. “You can’t save the world by following the rules, because the rules have to change.” Instead of looking for hope, look for action.

  5. K.O says:

    I definitely agree with Greta Thunberg because the climate crisis is a problem for earth and we need to stop that.
    For me, I don’t get why the government doesn’t do any action even though they have a plan that works and doesn’t act on it. If I was the president/prime minister, I would act on any day any time and and not spending taxes on everyday items and spending them on things that actually help the environment.
    I also think that Greta thunberg is always thinking about the environment because, she used a boat that doesn’t produce any pollution on her journey from Sweden to Canada. The journey was to tell the Canadians what to do about climate change and how to fix it.
    Finally, I think that It’s really super for what she has done about the climate crisis. I don’t think that no 18-year old can have a strike on school, cross 5337km on a sailboat, and go up to a couple hundred people to talk about the climate crisis. If I were her, I would be scared and embarrassed to talk in front of a couple hundred people about climate crisis.
    In conclusion, I think that what Greta Thunberg said in the TED talk is right and we need to do some thing about that.

  6. J.T. says:

    I learned many new things from watching Greta Thumber’s TED talk and I got to know more about her as well as a clearer understanding of how much we are affecting the world and why we urgently need to fix it. This speech made it very clear to me that even though we as human beings and our leaders and know of this crisis, we are not taking action to fix it. I get why Greta’s feeling these emotions because I do too. She talks about the next generation, my future along with many other childen’s , and how it dosen’t look so bright when we are old. Being only 16 years old with issues such as OCD, Aspenger Syndrome, selective mutisim and depression, Greta still impacts the world greatly. This proves that young people can contribute towards helping the world.

  7. J.M says:

    I visited the online site that had all of Greta Thunberg’s speeches. All of Greta’s speeches are very inspiring. It is very brave of her to speak openly in front of the whole world. I hope all of her speeches inspire many more kids around the world ( like me !!). We can stop burning fossil fuels , completely reduce our plastic usage , use more cloth bags and much more. If rich countries like England help poorer countries like Liberia out, we can stop climate change once and for all. I feel that I can do my part at home by using cloth bags instead of plastic bags.

  8. E.Z says:

    I felt annoyed and sad how after everything people still continue to use fossil fuels and it’s like nobody really cared about climate change and they just continued doing there normal lives. After watching the video I realized that no one even mentioned the greenhouse gasses. I have a lot of respect for Greta because it’s really hard to go up in front of everyone and just speak about climate change and getting people to stop fossil fuels and greenhouse gasses and telling them to move to renewable energy and that’s why it’s going to be hard because a lot of other people have no clue whats going on in the world so I really appreciate Greta to stand up and deal with this crisis. I don’t understand why people will continue to keep on using fossil fuels, she says that we use at least 100000000(one hundred million) barrels of oil a day and I don’t know if that’s a lot but we definitely need to decrease that by a lot, maybe even to 0 that will help a lot to out ecosystem

  9. A.H. says:

    I watched Greta Thunberg’s ted talk and i learned she was diagnosed with OCD, Asperger, and selective mutism at the age of 11. She started to recycle paper and turning off lights when she was 8, and the species extinction rate is 1000-10000 times higher than average. She also said that we need to reduce our emissions which is very true, we can solve the climate change while there still enough time but everyone is just to lazy. I learned that we use 100 million barrels of oil every single day and climate change will affect generations as time go on. She wondered why everyone said climate change is the biggest problem of all but everyone just continues on what they are doing. She sat down in front of the swedish parliament and did what people cant do for just not going to school for 2 weeks.

  10. A.Y. says:

    After watching videos about Greta I learned that she felt angry and annoyed that even though we have the right materials to stop climate change we still waste and waste. She also feels that pollution should be made illegal. At the age of 11, she was diagnosed with OCD, depression and Asperger Syndrome which makes it hard for her to talk in public. She is also annoyed that even though the climate crisis is a very big problem people scarcely mention how they are going to try and stop it. She also thinks that people don’t try and stop climate change because they have no idea of how it affects their daily lives. I feel that Greta is right and people should all try to help protect the environment by recycling and conserving energy in our homes.

  11. A.M. says:

    After I watched Greta’s TED talk, I felt angry that we are the cause of millions of major disasters, animal extinctions and climate change. Also, I felt a wave of panic rush through me, as I realised that the world could be ending soon. She’s only 16, and she has done so much, not only for her country, but for the entire world. And one more thing. I felt really happy that someone is finally doing something about Global Warming. It super important because other animals, and most of all us can go extinct if Climate Change continues.

  12. C.K. says:

    After watching the teen activist, Greta Thunberg’s TED talk, I learned that she fell into depression. Years later, she was also diagnosed with Aspergers (a form of autism), OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) , and selective mutism at the age of 11. She stopped eating and only spoke when necessary. I also learned that when she heard about climate change at the age of 8, she took action by turning off the lights and recycling papers. She made it very clear that us humans know about this crisis, yet we are not taking action to fix it. Sweden has to reduce emissions by 15% every year. Imagine how much less polluted our planet would be. Another fact I learned from watching Greta Thunberg’s TED talk was that we use 100 million barrels of oil every day. This crisis affects our future, as well as other children’s. She has inspired me to take action on climate change, to educate people on how pollution and emissions are attacking our planet, and to recycle more. But I alone will not be enough. Others must take action as well. Overall, I think Greta Thunberg is making a huge difference in our world by speaking up about climate change and its growing negative impacts on the environment. I am inspired to make Earth a better place just like her.

  13. A.Y. says:

    After watching videos about Greta I learned that she felt angry and annoyed that even though we have the right materials to stop climate change we still waste and waste. She also feels that pollution should be made illegal. At the age of 11, she was diagnosed with OCD, depression and Asperger Syndrome which makes it hard for her to talk in public. She is also annoyed that even though the climate crisis is a very big problem people scarcely mention how they are going to try and stop it. She also thinks that people don’t try and stop climate change because they have no idea of how it affects their daily lives. I feel that Greta is right and people should all try to help protect the environment by recycling and conserving energy.

  14. M.K.H says:

    I watched Greta Thunberg’s TED talk and I learned some more things about her, like that she fell into depression at 11 years old, and that she stopped eating and talking during that time period. Greta also learned about climate change in grade school, or, elementary school, and felt scared about it. It’s really terrible that adults write about climate change in articles and newspapers and nobody really cares about it, even though there are many forest fires, floods, and global warming, and that many
    animals are going extinct but people just leave it and go on and do something else, other than trying to help the species out. We could probably stop climate change by stopping fossil fuels and greenhouse emissions, that would help bring down global warming and the number of animals going extinct. And I can’t believe that we manage to use 100 million barrels of oil everyday and that’s really not good, Greta is only 16 but she is very good at speaking about things she is very passionate about, like helping out and trying to get adults to help with climate change. Greta has been diagnosed with Asperger which is a form of OCD so she only speaks when necessary.

  15. K.L says:

    After reading articles and watching videos, I learned that Greta was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome (which is a form of autism), and later on diagnosed with OCD. I also learned that she fell ill and experienced depression, and barely talked. She also seemed annoyed and/or frustrated that people talked about how climate change was a serious problem, but people didn’t take action and carried on like nothing was happening.
    I felt after this that climate change probably is a very serious problem, and we should take action now before it’s too late. (When we are adults.) Personally, I think that there’s some political force influencing all of this, and that the people in charge are just making empty promises. But that’s just my opinion.

  16. MT says:

    After watching Greta Thunberg’s Ted Talk I felt many emotions. At first, I felt very proud of her for not letting her personal struggles such as OCD and aspergers deter her from expressing how she feels. I am also very disappointed that the people in her audience were mainly adults. These people who we have grown up with and been told that they know what is best were the ones being taught by a child. People that we show respect to clearly do not have respect for our futures. It also made me saddened to know that some scientists who learn and know about climate change, probably better than anyone else does, do not take the extra mile to help reduce the ignorance towards climate change but instead contribute to the problem. In conclusion, I felt inspired to put more effort into reducing my carbon footprint.

  17. G.W. says:

    After I finished watching Greta’s TED Talk it brought new ideas to my mind like how she said that we as humans have created huge problems for ourselves like the climate crisis or global warming and we know the solutions to these problems but yet we still continue using and doing our everyday things. Greta first learned about global warming when she was 8 and started helping by turning off the lights to reduce energy or recycling paper to save resources, then she began holding a poster to protest alone, that caused more people to notice her. Then at 11 years old she was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, OCD, and depression and she would only say what she thought was important and that means that the climate crisis is important enough for her to talk so much about it.

    Everyone seems to know how important the climate crisis is and even though people go to protest for one day it doesn’t mean that they think about the climate crisis in their everyday life and what they do can actually harm our futures. I think that most people think that they are just one person in a couple billion and that if they don’t try and reduce using fossil fuels or just simple things like turning off the lights that they won’t make much of a difference, but when almost everyone thinks like that then our whole Earth and our futures will just collapse.

    I think that all the world leaders are trying to show people that they can help with the climate crisis and that they are trying “really hard” , but that just seems to be like a mask covering up and that they are saying empty words. I think we’ll just expect other countries or everyone else to make the changes but if everyone thinks that then who’ll actually start doing it. Adults should be mature enough and should be a good example for the kids and yet the kids are better examples for adults. We should all be more like Greta because even though she was ill, she still tried very hard, one step at a time.

  18. S.G says:

    What I learned from the ted talks Greta Thunberg is that people’s are not paying attention to what is really going to help our life be more successful and how we have to take climate change seriously and not as a joke . So let me tell you guys today of what I learned today. When she was only eight years old she learned about climate change and how it was happening worldwide. From this message she decided to recycle paper and to turn off the lights when not used to save energy. Also, she said that, why is fossil fuel burning not illegal and this definitely worried her out and also me. So from this message when she was eleven she was ill and fell into depression and did not eat nor talked . Also, in one month she lost 10 kilograms of weight. Later, she was diagnosed with OCD which meant that she only talked when necessary. So what are you guys waiting for, start now to save the world. Thanks

  19. ML says:

    From reading and watching about Greta Thunburg I learned that she has a sickness that motivated her to start #FFF. She said”If I didn’t have the sickness I wouldn’t be how I am today,”. She also stated that “No one is doing anything so I have to,”. What I thought was inspiring is that she taught her self,and she toke climate change as a big problem but some grown ups don’t even care. So grown up or not, sick or healthy, start helping.

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