Cross-Multiplication of 2 & 3 digit numbers

You can multiply 2 digit and 3 digit numbers in a variety of ways. This strategy is very efficient, but requires careful attention and an understanding of each step. 

Please use the following pictures for your reference:

Now try the following questions:

1) 34 x 68
2) 79 x 26
3) 432 x 956
4) 157 x 520

Is it possible to use the cross multiplication strategy for the following question? If so, how? If not, why?

97 x 145

21 thoughts on “Cross-Multiplication of 2 & 3 digit numbers

  1. rere1 says:

    1. 2312
    2. 2054
    3. 687992

    5. It doesn’t work because I tried and compared the answer to the real answer (real answer is 13630)answer I got was. 10765).

  2. bettina1 says:

    1. 2,312
    2. 1,976
    3. 412,992
    4. 81,640

    You can’t really multiply 97 x 145 because if you multiply 7 x 5 = 35 and then if you multiply 9 x 5= 45 then you’ll probably have to multiply 7 x 14 = 98 but then you’ll end up with a different answer if you add it all up it will be 136,285 but if you’ll check a calculator to see if your answer is correct and it will say 14, 065 then you’ll probably just get confused on what you’re going to do to find the correct answer.

  3. eduardo2 says:

    My answers are the following:
    1: 2,312
    2: 2,054
    3: 412,992
    4: 81,640
    5: You could just add one zero by the left of the nine and do
    the cross multiplication with the zero there.

  4. joshua53 says:

    1. 2312
    2. 2054
    3. 412 992
    4. 81 640
    5. I think you cannot multiply 97 and 145 since the numbers do not have the same amount of digits.

  5. kaylee4 says:

    1) 34 x 68 = 2312
    2) 79 x 26 = 2054
    3) 432 x 956 = 412992
    4) 157 x 520 = 81640
    It is not possible because without that missing place value with the 97, you will be missing a step in the procedure.

  6. paul9 says:

    1. 2312 2 .2054 3. 4236992 4. 81640
    The answer is no because if a number does not have the same amount of numbers as the other one it will mess up the process

  7. sophie25 says:

    1. 2312
    2. 2054
    3. 412992
    4. 81640

    I think it IS possible, because all you have to do is add a 0 before the 9.
    145 times 097
    (sorry I don’t have the multiplication sign)
    – Sophie

  8. fawaaz1 says:

    Hi, my answers are?
    1. 2312
    2. 2054
    3. 412992
    4. 81640
    5. I think you cannot multiply them because they have a different amount of digits. 97 and 145 since the numbers do not have the same amount of digits it would not work if we take away a dight from 145 for eg 45 we actually can do it.

  9. clara11 says:


    I think 97 x 145 can’t be multiplied because it would be necessary on the cross multiplication be like this : If was of 2 digits was all 2 digits up and down and if was 3 digits the same thing as 2 digits but with 3 digits

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