Welcome Everyone! Play, Learn, and Grow

Month: March 2022

All About Families

We have been busy investigating families. Through story, connections, conversations, and comparisons we were able to discover how families can be the same and different. We asked questions like ” What is a family?” and “What do families have?” , “Where do they live?”,  and “What do they like to do?”

Bench Mark of 5 and 10!

Mathematicians work with tens as they explore place value, ten frames, and hundreds charts. Our entire number system is built from a system of tens. Developing a solid and flexible understanding of 10 as a benchmark number and how is works within our number system is essential to grow as math thinkers, and to describe a numbers relationship to 5 and to 10. Also, Mathematicians engage in weekly counting collections. This creates an opportunity to develop counting concepts of one-to-one correspondence, cardinality, sequencing, fluency, subitizing, skip counting, bench marks of 5 and 10 and more!

Art in Motion

The Scientists showcased their understanding of forces and motion by exploring the movements of forward, backwards, and side-to-side with marbles and paint! Every design was as unique as the artist and they loved to experiment with fast and slow motions

to investigate forces!