Welcome Everyone! Play, Learn, and Grow

Month: January 2022

Forces Investigation: Push and Pull!

As scientists we are exploring forces of push and pull. Scientists like to ask questions and share their wonders about how things move. Yesterday duringĀ  Walking Wednesday we investigated “What forces do we use outside?” Using our sense of sight and touch they were able to discover many push and pull forces at work while they moved outside. We also explored these forces with frisbees, exploring the motion of roll, spin, and slide! Then today we connected our Chinese New Year poem to push and pull forces in order to create firework explosions to scare away the legend of Nian!





Walking Wednesday Wonders in Fall!

Every Wednesday is “Walking Wednesday!”. In all types of weather we head outside with one of our ELL teachers, Ms. Dionne, to share our wonders and curiosities about the world around us. We have a chance to use four of our senses; smelling, hearing, seeing, and touching ( no tasting!) to notice and name new vocabulary, and to grow as great communicators by telling our ideas, asking questions, and listening to each other. Here are just some of our Fall adventures!


Please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the blog! As we say goodbye to Fall and Hello to Winter, I wonder what your favourite part of these seasons are? For me it’s pumpkin pie and Thanksgiving with family in the Fall and skiing in the Winter.

Welcome to Division 19’s Blog!

Division 19 invites you to a virtual gallery walk of photos of our classroom. We wanted to show you some of the spaces that make up our class community and some of the favourite places and activities for explorations!