Yukon Dan’s Visit!

IMG_3033Hi Boys and Girls,

It was so awesome to have Yukon Dan come visit!  I know you all learned so much from him and so many of you said you have gold fever!  What are some of the cool things you learned that day?  Enjoy the pictures!

5 thoughts on “Yukon Dan’s Visit!

  1. I loved it when Yukon Dan came
    He must of had gold fever
    I loved it when we did activities
    The gold and minerals were so pretty
    Thank you Mrs. Gabas

  2. Yukon Dan taught us a lot not just about the gold rush, but minerals you could find near gold and how to pan. The best part was we got a peacock orr. It was like a souvenir.

  3. I learned a lot of things from Yukon Dan. I’m pretty sure I caught gold fever because it was a lot of fun. -Emily C. 🙂

  4. I really liked it when Yukon Dan came and taught us all about the gold rush and some minerals. I bet he had Gold fever because he had a lot to say .
    My favorite part was when we got peacock orr . – Reanna 🙂

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