Mystical Stories!

book 8 book1 book2 book3 book4 Book5 book6 book7Thanks Emily M. and Reanna for coming up with our Bulletin Board title and for helping to put it up.  The students were very enthusiastic writers completing their mystery stories.  With several writing tools in their tool boxes, the students were very motivated.  They wowed me with their creativity and their ability to implement many of the new skills they learned.  Division 5 then used the app Educreations on the ipads to record and display their finished products. Hope you enjoy listening to them.

Boys and Girls what can you say about each others’ stories?


15 thoughts on “Mystical Stories!

  1. I really enjoyed making Halloween stories. My favorite part was making the title for the bulletin board with Emily M. I hope we make more Mystical stories through out the year!!!!!
    Thank You Ms. Gabas!!!!!


    1. I agree with you. Making the Halloween stories was a blast !
      Thank you Ms. Gabas I hope we do more of them

  2. I enjoyed reading- and writing Halloween mystery stories! thank you, Ms. Gabas for teaching us how to indent and use juicy words!

  3. Loved everybody’s book. I have my own mystery story to tell and it is true. It was right after school I was going home and I wanted to read someone’s story 2 days ago the paper was there and when I went to read it 2 days later the paper was GONE!! vanished in thin air, real mystery. What do you think happen?

  4. I liked making the mystical stories!Though I wish I could see my story on the blog with the other stories.:)

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