Human Body Systems

bonesDivision 4 this term has been learning about human body systems and how they function and interact with each other.  The students were very curious and enjoyed doing a couple of interesting labs that enabled them to investigate how lungs work and what happens to bones when it loses calcium.  Also, they learned how to write up lab reports, so that others can replicate them.  Here are some pictures of these fun and “stinky” times. Thanks you parents for sending your children to school with some of the materials we needed like 2 litre pop bottles, glass jars, and of course the CHICKEN BONES! Click on the link.






4 thoughts on “Human Body Systems

  1. That experiment was super fun even though it was smelly in the class. It was cool how the bones in the vinegar and water changed. By day three our bone was so flexible! the experiment was very cool!

  2. The bone lab was so interesting! I never knew that the bones will change over time when placed in water and vinegar. It’s so cool! I have to say the experiment was also very stinky. Our classroom was smelly while we were checking the weight and flexibility. Other than that, I wish we can do an experiment like that again.
    Sunny ★

  3. I really liked the experiment we did with the bones. Even if it was REALLY, REALLY SMELLY after it came out of the jar with the vinegar and the water in it. Moving on to the less stinker ones we also had to right the steps, wait three days to accomplish the experiment, weigh the bones, answer the bone lab sheet, check the flexibility, and we also had to put that into a table!!!

  4. I think that even though it was smelly, it was still fun and interesting to see how the bones changed over time in vinegar!

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