Yukon Dan Was Here!

IMG_0726Boys and Girls,

Wasn’t that a fun afternoon with Yukon Dan?  Did you like the cool hands on activities he prepared?  That was so nice of him to put warm water in the containers for us to gold pan in!  Tell me something you learned from Yukon Dan about Gold and the Gold Rush.  I found him very interesting!  What about you?  I plan on going to Yale this summer to join the gold panning competition on either Aug. 21 or the 22. It would be fantastic to find some gold!  I know some of you are already planning on going and saving the date!  I will see you there!

The pictures and videos of our visit with Yukon Dan are uploaded.

Ms. G


25 thoughts on “Yukon Dan Was Here!

  1. Oh that was wonderful. I loved doing that magnit thing and gold panning.
    I learned that the bag that you put gold in is called a ” poke.”
    I learned that gold is 19 times heavier than water.
    I learned that people who searched for gold eat 3 things that start with B!!

  2. Being with Yukon Dan was one of my most favorite days of my life!! My most favorite part when we got to look at gold and other types of stones up so close! I felt I was getting a gold fever!! Anyway, I wish we got to keep the gold we found while we were gold panning but I know that gold is too valueable to give out. What I learned from Yukon Dan was that we must never ever put our hand at the gold pan while searching for gold since the gold will float up the water and you will lose tons of gold. The reason is that we have oil at our hands that causes to make gold float. I hope everyone else enjoyed and learned a lot too!!

  3. I learned that gold is 19 times heavier than water. My favourite activity was panning for gold.What was yours please reply.

  4. I’m going to the gold panning competition on the 22nd. Ms. Gabas, Do you know for sure what day you’re going gold panning on? I’ll see you there because I’m not busy on either days. 🙂

  5. I loved panning with yukon dan with the panning and the magnetype great time with him I am going to his challenge

    Gold panning is a rush with yukon dan

  6. I liked how he taught us about where gold was, gold panning,
    magnifying, and his years of gold panning. he was a good person and I saw his video on you-tube.
    F-Y-I….. HE WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. That was a fun day! : ) we learned alot about gold and Yukon Dan. My favourite part is when we looked at all his valuables and i couldn’t belive what i saw! there were tons of Gold some Copper and even Jade.There were some little polar bears and belt buckles with some gold on it. We all got gold fever!!!!!!!!! : )


  8. I really enjoyed Yukon Dan! It was cool to learn how to gold pan, that gold is 19x heavier than water, and that gold floats. I wish that we could have kept the gold, but we didn’t get to 🙁 Well, anyways I really enjoyed meeting him and it was fun to help him clean up!

  9. I liked the magnifying the most because you could see the rocks and minerals up close. the gold plated teeth were very interesting. the gold panning was fun too!
    I just want to say thank you to Mr.Dan for teaching us so much!

  10. Yukon Dan here was a blast!!!!!!!
    It was like I was at the time when the gold rush happened
    and he gave us iron pyrite (fools gold)

  11. i was really excited and when i got home i searched yukon dan on the internet…. i learned a lot of things and + i saw the video that kai told us to look at! it was very funny!!

  12. Hi Ms.Gabas
    I really liked Yukon Dan because the activities were very fun. I learned that gold is 19 times heavier than water and gravel is only 8 times heavier. I also enjoyed the magnet thing, it was so pretty! It was cool that he let us near 22,000 dollars worth of gold and other gems. I was very thankful that he put warm water in the tanks because at Britannia mines the water was so freezing cold!!! At Britannia mines I was not looking for gold but gems! I think that the gems in the warm water with Yukon Dan were also beautiful! Thank you for inviting him in Ms.Gabas!
    ~ Sonia

  13. Also that if you touch the water, because your hands are oily the gold will float and you will lose it.

  14. I watched every single video on YouTube the contest,the news, yukon dan blowing up and surprisingly yukon dan on wipeout (it wasn’t him actually it was a man that said he was dan) it was odd and grows because he had a dirty fat suit on:P
    He was a very nice man and the funny thing was he said your very own teacher she had gold fever she quit her job said good bye to her family and of she goes to the gold fields.

    Kai. 🙂

  15. Hey guys I met yukon dan at Fraser river discovery centre I got to help him with people that wanted to gold pan I remember I wish I could show you the picture ms.g could you add a way to add pics? So yah he let me touch almost every thing !

    1. Kai,
      What a fun experience! I can post your pics up if you put them on a usb or email them if there are only a few. I would love to post them!


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